No more Windows Phone


Feb 23, 2002
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Microsoft have officially given up on Windows Mobile, with an announcement that there will be no more development - only bugfixes and security patches:

Microsoft's difficulties in the mobile market are no secret, but for a time the company looked as if it was keeping Windows Mobile as a going concern regardless. Through 2016, Microsoft produced new builds for the Windows Insider program and added new features to Windows Mobile. At around the time of release of the Windows 10 Creators Update in April this year, that development largely ground to a halt. Windows Mobile, which already lacked certain features that were delivered to Windows on the PC, had its development forked. PC Windows development continued on the "Redstone 3" branch (which will culminate in the release of the Fall Creators Update later this month); Windows Mobile languished on a branch named "feature2."

ArsTechnica have a great article on the rise and fall of Windows Mobile:
Shock horror, Windows Phone was doomed from the start.
I had one once. It was a Nokia if I remember correctly. I tried and tried on the first day to like it. On the second day it got launched across the living room. Still got a dent in the wall to this day.
Well well, Microsoft Games For Windows Live discontinued and now their mobile phone venture.

Just about the only thing Microsoft are good for it seems are their OS's and that mostly because all major games are geared to Windows and most commercial ventures use MS Office.

Writing on the cards?