No Audio OutputDevice is Installed


EAA Docent

I just added more memory to my Dell Insperion 530. Which is very simple.
But now the speaker icon in the lower right has a red X. When I put the
arrow on it I get the following: "No Audio Output Device is Installed"
Any clues on what happened? Everything was just fine before I added the



/EAA Docent/ said:
I just added more memory to my Dell Insperion 530. Which is very simple.
But now the speaker icon in the lower right has a red X. When I put the
arrow on it I get the following: "No Audio Output Device is Installed"
Any clues on what happened? Everything was just fine before I added the

That hints that the soundcard drivers were corrupted or dumped.
Reinstall them if possible.

V Green

There have been reports of a Windows Update
killing audio.

Check microsoft.public.windowsupdate

Be sure to go back 1000 posts or so or you may not
see it.


Do you have the latest Vista drivers for your sound chip/card from the

EAA Docent

I re-installed the Audio Driver form the dick that came with the PC.
Sound is back. BUT, yes there is always a but. I now have Realtec HD
manager, what ever the heck that is. When I open it it has all kind of
options for sounds. Such as Speaker Configuration, Sound effects, Room
Correction and default Format. There is also a second tab labeled Stero Mix.
What is this all about? It seems like a lot of intresting stuf, if I
understood what I'm suppose to do with it.


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