New video card installed - can't get the vga driver to install



I put the card in (Leadtek Winfast A360 LE TD - GeforceFX 5700LE) and
installed the drivers. I had to click the continue anyway when windows told
me the software wasn't certified. It installed fine, but when I rebooted,
the found New Hardware dialog opened and I had to do it all over again.
There's no driver in the Display Properties under VGA Controller. I got the
latest driver install (which is certified) and I still have the same
problem. What do I have to do now?
Thanks for anyone who can help.


This is a stab in the dark, and may not apply to your situation ... But, I
have seen problems resulting when new video cards are installed in
motherboards that are several years old can be the result of the Motherboard
BIOS. I recently solved video problems in a 3 year old Abit KT7A systems
when ATI 9800 card was installed by flashing the BIOS with newest version.



Ok. I looked up emachines (H2865 1&1/2 yrs old) for the motherboard and that
it was MB, AU31/1.3 462P. They don't have any bios upgrades on the site so
where do I go to get bios upgrades for this mobo? Google searches just lead
me back to emachines.

Steve N.

Gemin-eye said:
I put the card in (Leadtek Winfast A360 LE TD - GeforceFX 5700LE) and
installed the drivers. I had to click the continue anyway when windows told
me the software wasn't certified. It installed fine, but when I rebooted,
the found New Hardware dialog opened and I had to do it all over again.
There's no driver in the Display Properties under VGA Controller. I got the
latest driver install (which is certified) and I still have the same
problem. What do I have to do now?
Thanks for anyone who can help.

Some card drivers need to have DirectX latest version installed first.

Regarding the advice given to update the BIOS do not do this unless the
BIOS update specifically fixes your problem.



Ok. I tried starting over right from scratch. Reseating and installing the
updated drivers. This happened when it got to the end, "the parameter is
incorrect". I just cant seem to get the drivers to install.

So I took the card out (back to the store it will go) and plugged my monitor
back into the old integrated GF4MX card, when I tried to install the nvidia
driver for that, "the parameter is incorrect" again. This is why the card
wont work. I looked it up and I think it has something to do with
permissions in my registry about nvidia. Can anyone help me with this?


Yup I was right. He is a brief version of what in reality took 4 hours of
hell. I took a deep breath and opened regedit. HKLM > Software > Nvidia >
right click - permissions > Full Permission. (it was special). It (Winfast
drivers) installed just fine. Then a problem. I installed the winfox program
as recommended by the manual. Went in to update the Winfox (no problem
there) went to update the driver, had to uninstall the old one first. This
is where everything goes bad. When I tried to install the new driver update
Winfox d/led, I got the "parameter is incorrect" again. The really bad thing
is, when I uninstalled the winfast drivers, they uninstall the nvidia
drivers too, so I lost the registry entry where I had to allow full
permissions. It took a custom restore to get the registry back before the
second driver update and back into the registry to get nvidia full
permissions. I reinstalled the winfast drivers (there was a setup error but
everything works) reinstalled Winfox and I have it all up and running. If I
ever have to update the drivers, I will run into this same problem, who
should I notify about this? Leadtek Winfast or Microsoft? (as if they would
do anything)
And thanks to Steve and Jeff for trying.

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