I honestly did like Windows 8.1 but when I converted or rather forced to convert to Windows 10, my problem was I preferred 8.1, then the debacle about the data mining that was going on with Windows 10 I took the plunge and converted to Mint which I found suited me better than the offerings that Microsoft were giving me. The other thing that also converted me to Linux was the cost of apps and other softwareone ether needed for Windows for good security which wasn't security as everything was being download to MS so much for privacy and who would they SELL that info to???.
Once I had converted to Mint I found I did not miss MS offerings, it did everything I needed to do, there is a great support community if you have problems not that I have had many problems and as a pensioner it does not cost a penny ether for the operating system or the apps where as MS offerings if you want the best anti virus, anti Malware etc costs a bomb.