Netgear FA310TX Ethernet adapter, Windows XP Professional


Anon User

I own a Netgear FA310TX Ethernet adapter. I recently upgraded
from Windows 2000 to Windows XP Professional.

When I was running Windows 2000, my system was rock solid.

When I upgraded to Windows XP Pro, I reformatted the
hard drive and did a clean installation of XP.

Windows XP detected the FA310TX and automatically installed
a driver.

The system is not stable. The system reboots and/or reports an error when
I launch Internet Explorer.

Windows XP reports that the network driver is the cause.

I checked XP's Driver Manager. Device Status tells me that
"This device is working properly."

When I click "Driver Details", it shows:

Driver files:


File version:

I visited the web site but I could not
find any XP drivers for the Netgear FA310TX adapter.

Is anybody experiencing a similar problem?

Is there a new XP driver for the Netgear FA310TX?

Steve Winograd [MVP]

"Anon User" said:
I own a Netgear FA310TX Ethernet adapter. I recently upgraded
from Windows 2000 to Windows XP Professional.

When I was running Windows 2000, my system was rock solid.

When I upgraded to Windows XP Pro, I reformatted the
hard drive and did a clean installation of XP.

Windows XP detected the FA310TX and automatically installed
a driver.

The system is not stable. The system reboots and/or reports an error when
I launch Internet Explorer.

Windows XP reports that the network driver is the cause.

I checked XP's Driver Manager. Device Status tells me that
"This device is working properly."

When I click "Driver Details", it shows:

Driver files:


File version:

I visited the web site but I could not
find any XP drivers for the Netgear FA310TX adapter.

Is anybody experiencing a similar problem?

Is there a new XP driver for the Netgear FA310TX?

I have two FA310TX cards, and they work fine with XP's built-in
driver. The cards are vintage 1998, and I don't know if Netgear made
any changes since then.

The card appears in Device Manager as "Intel 21140-Based PCI Fast
Ethernet Adapter (Generic)". When I click "Driver Details", it shows:

Driver Files:


I recommend un-installing the FA310TX in Device Manager and letting XP
re-install it.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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