Need help with field to sequentially number headings, please?


Ed from AZ

(WD 2003) I have a series of headings. Each has been assigned the
same heading style that is used nowhere else in the document. I'm
trying to use a LISTNUM field at the beginning of each heading so I
can get a sequential number even if I have to rearrange the order of
the headings or inserts a new one in the middle somewhere.

My filed code looks like:
{ LISTNUM \l 1 \s 1 }
My result is "1)".

When I copied it to the second position, it still comes up with "1)"!!

Two things:

-- I tried this in a spearate document before I tried it in my report,
and it worked wonderfully. When I copied that field code into my
report, it started numbering at 5. I deletedit and re-inserted the
code from the Insert menu. If I don't use the "start at 1" option, it
starts at 5, even though this heading style is nowhere else in the
document. Then again, I don't think this is keyed to the heading
style, so I may be wrong all the way around here??!?

-- I'd really rather have "A.", "B.", "C." then "1)", "2)", "3)",
etc. But at this point, I'll take what I can get!

Any suggestions are most welcome!


Ed from AZ

Beautiful!! That did it just right. Thanks once again, Suzanne. And
many thanks to Shauna also.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Especially thanks to Shauna!

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Beautiful!! That did it just right. Thanks once again, Suzanne. And
many thanks to Shauna also.


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