Need 2 Years Worth of WinXP Updates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard In Va.
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Richard In Va.

I bought my boss a new computer several years ago, set it up for him and
then he never used it.
During an office re-arrangement, it wound up in a closet not being used by

Now he wants me to hook it back up and get all the MS Windows XP updates so
he can carry it home and give to his wife for Christmas. It's currently
running WinXP-SP1. We have dial-up here and it will probably take 3-4
nights of being online to download the updates. (yeeha...!) But I do have
DSL at home where I might could bring them to work on disk if I knew what I

Could anyone give me some heads-up as how to best accomplish this?

If I bring the updates to work on disk, I assume I'll need to install them
in the correct order. Now I do have WinXP-SP2 (the big update) on disk here
at work. Does the SP2 update (~272,391 KB) include all updates provided by
Microsoft for SP1?

Best regards,

Richard in VA.
SP2 provides everything that SP1 had, with several additions until SP 2 was
released. You could download SP2 and save it to a CD.

Also, you way want to check the October 2006 Security ISO image file. Not
sure if it contant all the security updates since SP2 but it may have several
important ones.

Also, you could look at Autopatcher or NLite utilites. I have not used them
but you may be able to create a new XP Install CD with every patch reelased.
Thank you Yves, I'll proceed to install XP-SP2 from disc before I configure
an internet connection.
Maybe someone can offer additional alternatives in obtaining all the updates
that follow the SP2 introduction.

The ISO file sounds interesting. However, I'll want to know for sure what it
will contain before I go that route.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

Richard in VA.
It appears to me that there is a WinXP Security ISO Image file released for
each month back till at least May 2006. Does this mean I'll need to
download and run each one up till November 2006 to get the PC up to date?

Sounds like alot of grunt work for what I'm wanting to do. These image files
are probably great for what there intended to do. But I'm looking for a
relatively simple way to update the PC with the updates that are available
after SP2 introduction to current without using Windows Update. Remember
this PC is on Dial-up, but I have DSL at home.

Thanks again,

Richard in VA.
Richard said:
It appears to me that there is a WinXP Security ISO Image file
released for
each month back till at least May 2006. Does this mean I'll need to
download and run each one up till November 2006 to get the PC up to

Sounds like alot of grunt work for what I'm wanting to do. These image
files are probably great for what there intended to do. But I'm
looking for a relatively simple way to update the PC with the updates
that are available after SP2 introduction to current without using
Windows Update. Remember this PC is on Dial-up, but I have DSL at

Richard - The easiest way to handle this is to take the computer home
and update it there using your fast DSL connection.

Richard said:
I bought my boss a new computer several years ago, set it up for him and
then he never used it.
During an office re-arrangement, it wound up in a closet not being used by

Now he wants me to hook it back up and get all the MS Windows XP updates so
he can carry it home and give to his wife for Christmas. It's currently
running WinXP-SP1. We have dial-up here and it will probably take 3-4
nights of being online to download the updates. (yeeha...!) But I do have
DSL at home where I might could bring them to work on disk if I knew what I

Could anyone give me some heads-up as how to best accomplish this?

If I bring the updates to work on disk, I assume I'll need to install them
in the correct order. Now I do have WinXP-SP2 (the big update) on disk here
at work. Does the SP2 update (~272,391 KB) include all updates provided by
Microsoft for SP1?

Best regards,

Richard in VA.

I use the cumulative updates service packs from -
which in your case would be at

Download, burn on CD - and install the updates. Quite comfortable -
only 1 reboot at the end...

HTH - Roy
Now there's an idea... thanks Malke!

But I'd still rather download from home (DSL) and bring in to work on CD if
(If I get the bosses PC to my house... he may never see it again!)


Richard in VA.
Hi Richard - You'll need a broadband connection:

Read a review here:

Regards, Jim Byrd, MVP, DTS, ASVOP
My Blog, Defending Your Machine,

In Richard In Va. <[email protected]> typed:
|| Now there's an idea... thanks Malke!
|| But I'd still rather download from home (DSL) and bring in to work
|| on CD if possible
|| (If I get the bosses PC to my house... he may never see it again!)
|| Thanks,
|| Richard in VA.
|| ++++++++++++
|| ||| Richard In Va. wrote:
|||| It appears to me that there is a WinXP Security ISO Image file
|||| released for
|||| each month back till at least May 2006. Does this mean I'll need
|||| to download and run each one up till November 2006 to get the PC
|||| up to date?
|||| Sounds like alot of grunt work for what I'm wanting to do. These
|||| image files are probably great for what there intended to do. But
|||| I'm looking for a relatively simple way to update the PC with the
|||| updates that are available after SP2 introduction to current
|||| without using Windows Update. Remember this PC is on Dial-up, but
|||| I have DSL at home.
||| Richard - The easiest way to handle this is to take the computer
||| home and update it there using your fast DSL connection.
||| Malke
||| --
||| Elephant Boy Computers
||| "Don't Panic!"
||| MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Thank you Jim,

I'll look into this over the weekend as well!

Best regards,

Richard in VA.
YW, Richard. FWIW, I've used it, and it works well and as advertised.

Regards, Jim Byrd, MVP, DTS, ASVOP
My Blog, Defending Your Machine,

In Richard in Va. <[email protected]> typed:
|| Thank you Jim,
|| I'll look into this over the weekend as well!
|| Best regards,
|| Richard in VA.
|| ++++++++++++++
|| ||| Hi Richard - You'll need a broadband connection:
||| Read a review here:
||| --
||| Regards, Jim Byrd, MVP, DTS, ASVOP
||| My Blog, Defending Your Machine,
||| In ||| Richard In Va. <[email protected]> typed:
||||| Now there's an idea... thanks Malke!
||||| But I'd still rather download from home (DSL) and bring in to work
||||| on CD if possible
||||| (If I get the bosses PC to my house... he may never see it again!)
||||| Thanks,
||||| Richard in VA.
||||| ++++++++++++
||||| |||||| Richard In Va. wrote:
||||||| It appears to me that there is a WinXP Security ISO Image file
||||||| released for
||||||| each month back till at least May 2006. Does this mean I'll
||||||| need to download and run each one up till November 2006 to get
||||||| the PC up to date?
||||||| Sounds like alot of grunt work for what I'm wanting to do. These
||||||| image files are probably great for what there intended to do.
||||||| But I'm looking for a relatively simple way to update the PC
||||||| with the updates that are available after SP2 introduction to
||||||| current without using Windows Update. Remember this PC is on
||||||| Dial-up, but I have DSL at home.
|||||| Richard - The easiest way to handle this is to take the computer
|||||| home and update it there using your fast DSL connection.
|||||| Malke
|||||| --
|||||| Elephant Boy Computers
|||||| "Don't Panic!"
|||||| MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
This is what I wound up doing....

Downloaded SP2 at home (DSL) and installed on the PC at work, setup the
internet connection (Dialup) and ran MS Update to see what was needed.
Copied-and-pasted the list into a word document. Carried the word document
home and downloaded the (KB#####) updates from MS Download Center.

While downloading the updates, I prefixed the release date to the file name
so I could sort them by date of release.

Burned to disc and installed them on the PC at work one by one (in order of
release date).
Took about 1 hour or so to find/download all 69 updates and maybe 2 hours to
install them allowing the pc to reboot after each months worth of updates.

I'm sure there is a better way, but this was not all that bad... now that
it's done.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
Richard in VA
This is what I wound up doing....

Downloaded SP2 at home (DSL) and installed on the PC at work, setup the
internet connection (Dialup) and ran MS Update to see what was needed.
Copied-and-pasted the list into a word document. Carried the word
document home and downloaded the (KB#####) updates from MS Download

While downloading the updates, I prefixed the release date to the file
name so I could sort them by date of release.

Burned to disc and installed them on the PC at work one by one (in order
of release date).
Took about 1 hour or so to find/download all 69 updates and maybe 2 hours
to install them allowing the pc to reboot after each months worth of

I'm sure there is a better way, but this was not all that bad... now that
it's done.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,
Richard in VA

I think that was a good way to do it. Updates should only be obtained from