My pictures folder spontaneously copies contents!

  • Thread starter Steven Bednarski
  • Start date

Steven Bednarski

Every time I open the "My Pictures" folder in Windows XP,
the operating system *spontaneously copies* the
contents. This means that after I've opened the folder
several times, I end up with copy(1), copy(2), copy(3),

I have found two other online references to this problem,
both of them posted within the past month. They are at:

I hope someone can tell me what is going on! The problem
is recent and I don't want to have to reformat my HDD if
I can avoid it.


Sharon F

Every time I open the "My Pictures" folder in Windows XP,
the operating system *spontaneously copies* the
contents. This means that after I've opened the folder
several times, I end up with copy(1), copy(2), copy(3),

I have found two other online references to this problem,
both of them posted within the past month. They are at:

I hope someone can tell me what is going on! The problem
is recent and I don't want to have to reformat my HDD if
I can avoid it.


Check your system for virus. There was a version of the LoveLetter worm
that used to change JPGs into VBS files but kindly backed up your JPG files
to another folder. LoveLetter packs a pretty serious dropper virus as well.
This is an old worm. Any current antivirus program should detect and clean
this problem.

Other possible cause: You're moving the mouse pointer when double clicking.
XP is more sensitive to this than other versions of Windows that I've used.
It interprets the movement as a request to copy the selected folder. Adjust
your double click rate for the mouse in Control Panel - or - select your
folders with a single click and then press Enter on the keyboard.

Steven Bednarski

No, it's NOT a virus and it's NOT a slip of the finger.
I'm a software technician. This is a documented problem
which is happening to several users.

Basically, as soon as you open the My Pictures folder,
the files being duplicating SPONTANEOUSLY. You can
actually sit back and watch them replicate themselves. It
happens EVERY TIME you open the fodler.

Something else is going here and I'm dying to get to the
bottom of it. Anyone else have any suggestions?

Please reply to (e-mail address removed) as well as to


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