Centralized "My Pictures" folder?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ChrisAttebery
  • Start date Start date



My wife and I have a Canon digital camera that we both use. The software
that came with the camera defaults to downloading to the "My Pictures"
folder. There doesn't seem to be a way to set a folder other than "My
Pictures" as the default location. Other than this quirk we both really like
the software and don't want to switch to something else.

Can I set up a central folder on my C: or other drive that all users will
see as "My Pictures"?

Thanks for your help,

Chris Attebery
Do yourself a favor and dump the software.

Buy a card reader for <50 bucks and you can download photos to anywhere you

ChrisAttebery said:
My wife and I have a Canon digital camera that we both use. The software
that came with the camera defaults to downloading to the "My Pictures"
folder. There doesn't seem to be a way to set a folder other than "My
Pictures" as the default location. Other than this quirk we both really
the software and don't want to switch to something else.
Can I set up a central folder on my C: or other drive that all users will
see as "My Pictures"?
Thanks for your help,
Chris Attebery

That's what I did Chris,
I set up a folder called "My Images awaiting archive"
I attach the usb from camera to computer
access the images via windows explorer and copy or move them to the folder.
I use ACDSee to then batch file rename "20080103 bbq Tom's #23" etc.
Gord Dibben said:
Do yourself a favor and dump the software.

Buy a card reader for <50 bucks and you can download photos to anywhere

That's what I do. It's much faster than connecting the camera to the CPU,
does not drain the camera's battery, and avoids that annoying habit of
Windows continually pasting pics into files with the current date (but
duplicating numerous past imports with the same files -- my sister must have
2 dozen copies of the same set of pics because she uses the Windows wizard
and doesn't delete anything from her card until she runs out of space). I
realize the OP asked about Canon, but I threw that in just in case it might
also apply to his situation.

ChrisAttebery said:

My wife and I have a Canon digital camera that we both use. The software
that came with the camera defaults to downloading to the "My Pictures"
folder. There doesn't seem to be a way to set a folder other than "My
Pictures" as the default location. Other than this quirk we both really like
the software and don't want to switch to something else.

Can I set up a central folder on my C: or other drive that all users will
see as "My Pictures"?

Thanks for your help,

Chris Attebery

I assume that you're talking about Canon's ZoomBrowser software (and for
the benefit of Gord and Mary, using the software has nothing to do with
whether the camera is directly connected to the computer or if one uses
a card reader, and Canon's software is not the Windows wizard).

I also assume that you're both using the same computer with different
user accounts.

In the Canon Camera Window that comes with ZoomBrowser (at least in ZB
ver. 5.7, which is what I use), you can change the "save to" directory
from the Camera Window Change Settings screen. The easiest way to
accomplish what you want is to create a folder (directory) within the
"Shared Documents" folder. Call it "Our Pictures" if you like. Then
make that the "save to" folder.

If you're working on separate but networked computers, the principle is
the same. Pick one computer on which the files will be physically
stored (preferably one that's on all the time) and share that folder.

Lem -- MS-MVP - Networking

To the moon and back with 2K words of RAM and 36K words of ROM.
Hey Guys,

I found out two things over the weekend. First, I named the folder on my D:
drive My Pictures. Zoombrowser didn't like that. Second, I found a post here
that described this exact situation. It is easily remedied by using Tweak UI
to point your pictures to another folder. It took about 30 seconds.

Zoombrowser is great. I like the fact that it will look at the dates of the
pictures it is downloading and automatically create a new folder for each
date. It also will not download duplicates. Not to mention that this is our
4th Canon digital camera and we're used to the software.

Thanks for your help,
