My main pc is now vista free

  • Thread starter michail iakovou yos
  • Start date

michail iakovou yos

After the restore point deletion, dual boot problem and bootloader failure,
and after the headache of bitlocker that refused to work on my PC.

I am gladly saying that I have removed Vista from my hard disk!

Good riddens!

I now have it only as a dual boot on my test machine, and inside a virtual

I have to tell you the truth.. I don't miss it at all!

XP is so fast.. so clean, so responsive, so compatible.... its wonderful!


michail iakovou yos said:
After the restore point deletion, dual boot problem and bootloader
and after the headache of bitlocker that refused to work on my PC.

I am gladly saying that I have removed Vista from my hard disk!

Good riddens!

I now have it only as a dual boot on my test machine, and inside a virtual

I have to tell you the truth.. I don't miss it at all!

XP is so fast.. so clean, so responsive, so compatible.... its wonderful!

How many in these NGs have wailed XP sucks, gimme Win98 ? deja vu hmm ?


michail iakovou yos

not me... win98 tormented me... i was very glad when xp came out...


Roberto said:
How many in these NGs have wailed XP sucks, gimme Win98 ? deja vu hmm ?


Until SP2, XP *did* suck. The same holds true for Vista. It's being
released as a BETA because there are plenty of guinea pigs lining up at
the door to buy it.


michail iakovou yos

You will not get rid of me that easily, as I said>>>
I now have it only as a dual boot on my test machine, and inside a virtual


What exactly was your point? Beside the fact that you have proven yourself
a computer novice by not understanding the fact that most drivers for Vista
have not been finalized yet and ANY experience with Vista today is "close
but no cigar" to the final experience we'll be able to have.

Charlie Wilkes

Until SP2, XP *did* suck. The same holds true for Vista. It's being
released as a BETA because there are plenty of guinea pigs lining up at
the door to buy it.
You raise an interesting point. XP was full of problems when it first
came out, but so was Windows 98 untl the SE release. In fact, every
major new MS OS has been released with a lot of bugs and problems that
only get straightened out after a year or two.

But there have always been lots of eager buyers because each new OS
has answered a need felt by many users, i.e.:

OS Recognized need
Win95 32 bit capabilities
Win98 USB peripherals, larger HDD
Win2k/XP Supports more RAM, even larger HDD

Vista is unique in that it is being released without any pressing need
in the marketplace. This time, the release is driven by MS's need to
render existing hardware/software obsolete and start a fresh revenue
cycle. Mr. Ballmer has been painfully candid about that point. After
all, he is an ex-CFO, a numbers man.

Will the great unwashed open their wallets to satisfy MS's need to
keep shareholders happy?


Robert Firth

MS's need to render existing hardware/software obsolete

I agree with everything you said except this.

MS's need to keep shareholders happy?

I believe this is the motivation. It is a business afterall.

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Robert Firth *
* Windows Vista x86 RTM *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

Robert Firth

And the bootloader failure wasn't Vista's fault. You/the program you ran did

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Robert Firth *
* Windows Vista x86 RTM *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */


If that's the case then you should feel pretty sad that sludge can get Vista
to run smooth with no problems but you can't.

What a joke!


Windows Xp IS SLOW i;m getting vista and it said it comes with programs that
will make it faster and you just had the demo one windows xp is like win me
but blue and still slow to load and i'm getting a crash now......... from
windows XP!!!


Lang Murphy

I won't argue the point of "...MS's need to render existing
hardware/software obsolete and start a new revenue cycle." I would be
interested in seeing the source for Mr. Ballmer's statements to that effect.

At any rate, my interest in Vista stems from a few things. The first major
difference, IMHO, is the new graphics model in which the desktop and all
things presented within are drawn by DirectX, freeing the CPU to do CPU type
tasks. I think this is pretty huge. Agree that there may not be a "pressing
need" for this in the marketplace and, still, it's a big change in the OS,
one to which the end user may not give much thought, and one that may have a
big impact on the user experience, e.g., fewer application exceptions
related to video that might bring the system to its knees.

Secondary is the improved security. Perfect security? Of course not. Can it
be further improved? Of course. Better FW. Perfect? Nope. And better than
the FW in XP.

Subsequent features of interest, to me, include Complete PC Backup Restore
(yes, better third party apps available at a price), and the Snipping tool
(again, better third party apps available, even for free...). But these are
just nice-to-haves OOB, not things that would sway me to buying Vista on
these features alone.

Jes' my two cents...


Colin Barnhorst

I concur that the new rendering model is a biggie as is the security model.
I also really like the search functionality. Those are my must-haves.

michail iakovou yos

you don't really need much searching if you learn to organize...
another reason why indexing is stupid


michail said:
you don't really need much searching if you learn to organize...

Really! I rarely use the search function because I know where things are!


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