Music download problem



I have downloaded some music tracks from & have tried to listen to
them but I received the message:
A security upgrade is required to play this file. Do you want to download
this upgrade?. Upgrading may take a few minutes.
I have tried to download the upgrade many times over different days & times
but I receive the following message every time:
A problem occurred during security upgrade. Try again later.
Could someone please explain what I'm trying to dowload, from where & how to
overcome my problem?

Manny Borges

I reccomend you contact the vendor that sold you these files.

This is from the homepage of the tesco downloads page:

System requirements
You will need
Windows 98 Second Edition or above
Windows Media Player 9 or above
If using a digital music player, one that supports Windows Media files
with Digital Rights Management encryption (DRM 9 or above)
This service is not compatible with Apple iPod
Check your system
Download our sample track

Manny Borges
MCSE NT4-2003 (+ Security)
MCT, Certified Cheese Master

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who do understand binary
and those who don't.


I have downloaded some music tracks from & have trie to listen to
them but I received the message
A security upgrade is required to play this file. Do you want t download
this upgrade?. Upgrading may take a few minutes
I have tried to download the upgrade many times over different day & times
but I receive the following message every time
A problem occurred during security upgrade. Try again later
Could someone please explain what I'm trying to dowload, from wher & how to
overcome my problem

There are a lot of issues going on about this. The file could be an
probably is a DRM (digital rights management) component. This i
protection for the copyrighted material and could be a version of th
dreaded root kit installation that some of the copyright infringemen
protection moguls try to have installed on your system.

Sony first did this over a year ago and caught virtual hell and la
suits over it simply because as a root kit it installs itself totall
without the computer's owners knowledge and understanding that it ca
corrupt your computer and make them susceptible to attacks fro
hackers. Since then the spyware/malware removal industry has designe
programs and add-ons within the security programs themselves that wil
catch these rootkit installations and stop them from being installed

The other option is that it is a legitimate download and you jus
have your security set to high to allow it to download. I woul
rather be safe than sorry

Had you gave us a name of the file it was trying to download w
could be more specific as to what to do and to what kind of file i

But anytime you are forced to download additional programs to pla
something is not a good sign


Don't buy music from any company that requires encryption of the music. The
so-called Digital Rights Management prevents you from your own personal
private fair-use of music. It's not a copyright issue. It's not a piracy
issue. It's not a counterfeiting issue. It's an issue by which the big
studios and vendors violate your privacy, limit your personal private usage
of the product that YOU bought, and virtually guarantee them MORE revenue
when you change your MP3 player, make backups and restore them, or try listen
to the music on various devices (MP3, CD, DVD-A, etc.)

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