msconfig after restart



When using msconfig, after a restart you get a tick box that you can tick to
stop the message appearing after every tome you use msconfig then restart.
However no matter if you tick it or not, you ALWAYS get the box popping up
after every restart having used msconfig.

Is this normal?


Moody Marco said:
When using msconfig, after a restart you get a tick box that you can tick
stop the message appearing after every tome you use msconfig then restart.
However no matter if you tick it or not, you ALWAYS get the box popping up
after every restart having used msconfig.

Is this normal?

Yep, normal. Nearly as annoying as the prompt for a restart after every
minor change in it too.


David Candy

As it's purpose is troubleshooting it is designed for that purpose. Don't whinge if a screwdriver makes a poor hammer.

Dave B

Re-read the post, his problem is NOT normal

"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
Yes. MSConfig adds itself to startup each time it is used.

David Candy

I did, carefully. Then I deleted what I wrote (it's not normal) and wrote it is normal.


Screw[ed] driver was a good way of describing it.


"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
As it's purpose is troubleshooting it is designed for that purpose. Don't
whinge if a screwdriver makes a poor hammer.


Thanks, but what's the point of that tick box then?
Screw[ed] driver was a good way of describing it.


"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
As it's purpose is troubleshooting it is designed for that purpose. Don't
whinge if a screwdriver makes a poor hammer.

How to lose a war in Iraq
Jon said:
Yep, normal. Nearly as annoying as the prompt for a restart after every
minor change in it too.


Dave B

Can't say I've ever had that problem, when I select the option to not show
again, it doesn't.

"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
I did, carefully. Then I deleted what I wrote (it's not normal) and wrote it
is normal.


Moody Marco said:
Thanks, but what's the point of that tick box then?

The tick box just stops it reappearing on your next boot, independently of
whether you go back into msconfig and change anything.


Dave B

Ok, chalk it up to a Tuesday afternoon brain fart, your correct.

"David Candy" <.> wrote in message
You still aren't reading it.

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