MS Office 2003 Components - Not Responding?



I posted this problem in the MS Office Setup Newsgroup, but did not receive
reponses to solve the problem, so I decide to post here to see if
assistance is available.
When in Office 2003 applications (Word, Excel,
Frontpage 2002), in an open document and I attempt a "save as" the
application stops responding for up to 2 minutes. If I wait long enough,
it starts responding again. I ran the Office Detect and Repair and it
completed successfully, but the applications still Stop Responding on the
Save As Command. I also uninstalled both Office 2003 and Frontpage 2002,
restarted the system, then reinstalling Office 2003 and the problem is
still there (I tested it prior to reinstalling FP2002)

I'm running WinXP Home with all the latest updates, have 1GB memory, and a
120MB harddrive.

Any other thoughts on what might be causing this problem?
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mine does same thing, only its around 45 seconds. I am interested to know


David MacLeod
Etna, Maine USA
P4 2.8 OC to 3.13
1 GB DDR 466
Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB
2 Seagate 120 RAID 0

Guess Who

Things to check .... do you have Indexing turned on? Also, what view is
assigned to the file save as box? (Icon, thumbnail, etc). If it's set to
thumbnail view, switch it to LIST view by right-clicking in a blank area of
the file list and choose VIEW - LIST. Try defragging the drive .... OK, I'm
out of ideas.


for me indexing is turned off and save as is in list style. drive is
defragged also.Mine bothers me most in Outlook 2003 and occasionally Word
2003. using, and not using, Word as email editor made no difference.
Its not a real big deal to me, just quirky. The other poster though seems to
have a real time issue. 2 minutes is way to long.


David MacLeod
Etna, Maine USA
P4 2.8 OC to 3.13
1 GB DDR 466
Radeon 9800 Pro 256 MB
2 Seagate 120 RAID 0


Well, I think I figured out what my situation is (via searching MS
Knowledge Database and finding an article (313937) explaining the problem,
at least for me). I have a router setup so I can network my laptop with my
desktop. I have mapped a drive on the desktop to a drive on the laptop.
When the laptop is not connected and on (which is most of the time), I get
the delay. If I disconnect the drive in the desktop, then Office is back
to normal. But, everytime that I want to share between the laptop and
desktop, I now have to re-map the drive.

I've just got a new computer a few weeks ago and this happens on the new
computer. I had the same setup on the old computer and did not have this
problem. Both machine were running WinXp with all updates, and Office
2003. So, I'm still trying to figures out how to maintain the drive
mapping without experiencing this delay.

I think I will now post something in the Networking group and see if I can
find an answer there. I would like to just plug in the laptop as before
and have all connections there!

for me indexing is turned off and save as is in list style. drive is
defragged also.Mine bothers me most in Outlook 2003 and occasionally Word
2003. using, and not using, Word as email editor made no difference.
Its not a real big deal to me, just quirky. The other poster though seems to
have a real time issue. 2 minutes is way to long.

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