MS Baseline Security Analyzer ver 2.0 installation problems



I have MSBSA ver 1.2.1 installed and am trying to install ver 2.0 on an XPro
laptop. Ver 2.0 is supposed to run on XP:
But when I try to install on XP Pro client workstations, I get a error
telling me:
"Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer Setup has detected another
installation on this folder and cannot continue. Please choose another folder
to continue."
I have tried to create a new folder, install on another drive, install
online, install from a downloaded .msi... same result. I have uninstalled
MSBSA ver 1.2.1, restarted re-downloaded, tried to install from, ... same result
Any ideas??


Problem resolved. See:Community Newsgroups>English>Security>Security
MBSA>Failure to Install ...


I'm having exactly the same problem on my desktop and I'm glad to see there
might be a solution so thanks, guys!


Sorry to be a pest but I don't use Newsgroups all that often so I'm too
familiar with them and I'm having trouble finding " Community
Newsgroups>English>Security>Security MBSA>Failure to Install " - can you
help me, please???

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