Moving Outlook Express to New PC



I got a new PC and am trying to move my old Outlook
Express e-mails to it (both are using Outlook Express

I'm assuming that the .dbx files are the e-mail files.

My old PC is storing these on C:\WINDOWS\Application
Data\Identities\...[I don't feel like typing the
number!]...\Microsoft\Outlook Express

My new PC is storing these on C:\Documents and
Settings\Matty\Local Settings\Application
Data\Identities\...[similar long
number]...\Microsoft\Outlook Express

I tried copying the .dbx files from my old PC to the
Documents and Settings\...\Outlook Express file on my new
PC but Outlook Express isn't recognizing them.

My Identify is "Matty Dalrymple" on both the PCs.

Can anyone offer me some pointers?

Thanks! M.


I should add that at this point I don't care if the e-
mail files from my old PC overwrite the ones on my new PC
because I've sent so few messages since I got the new one.


Its possible that yr .dbx files have become read only in the copy process.
Ensure that read only flag is off

Matty said:
I should add that at this point I don't care if the e-
mail files from my old PC overwrite the ones on my new PC
because I've sent so few messages since I got the new one.
-----Original Message-----
I got a new PC and am trying to move my old Outlook
Express e-mails to it (both are using Outlook Express

I'm assuming that the .dbx files are the e-mail files.

My old PC is storing these on C:\WINDOWS\Application
Data\Identities\...[I don't feel like typing the
number!]...\Microsoft\Outlook Express

My new PC is storing these on C:\Documents and
Settings\Matty\Local Settings\Application
Data\Identities\...[similar long
number]...\Microsoft\Outlook Express

I tried copying the .dbx files from my old PC to the
Documents and Settings\...\Outlook Express file on my new
PC but Outlook Express isn't recognizing them.

My Identify is "Matty Dalrymple" on both the PCs.

Can anyone offer me some pointers?

Thanks! M.


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