monitor showing 'scan out of range'



Have a PBell P4 pc and did a clean installation on a new hd with a retail xp
home cd using the cd key supplied with the pc. The pc has the ati radeon
32MB TV-Out vedio/graphic card(?).
I do not have the cd for all he soft ware as it comes pre-install and there
is a recovery partition which is corrupted.Hence for a fresh installation on
a new hd.
After the installation, the pc says it detected a possible display driver
problem as the monitor show the picture very 'un' forcus. So i downlaoded the
various drivesrs given by PB, and update the display adaptor in the DM.
Before I update the driver on the display adaptor, it say something like ""
ATI......(microsoft) "" which I peresume it trying to say, its using the MS
After I update the driver with my downloaded (wxp-2k catalst

the monitor shows 'scan ouit of range'. What does it means? How can I roll
back the driver and ho can I get the pc going. Pls advice, Thanks.


While booting up the machine hit F8 to go in to Safe Mode and uninstall the
driver for the video card.

Out of range normally means that the video card is operating at a frequency
or resolution that the monitor does not support.


Many thanks for your eswponse. The card is working well before I install the
new hd, so how can we get the card to operate at teh frequency or resolution
that the monitor support?

prior to install the above driver, it would means that it uses the driver
that comes with the xp cd but for some reason the picture was out of focus,
then how can we make display properly? May I add trhat for some reason it
gives me an error message that the display driver may not function properly
and ask if I want to send this report to MS. Pls advice. TIA


chris, I just uninstall the driver by going to DM and right click the card
and uninstall, and restatr Upon restart, it seems to display ok abut with the
message that the display is at very low resolution and when I try to change
to a higher figure 800x 660(think so), it sudden gies an error message that
the computer has detected an error and going to shut down. The error is
caused by the folowing file: ati2dvag and check for the latest driver or
contactr the manufacturere.
When it restart, I go into safe mode, and it give me an errot message
"computer retart after an unexpected shutdown. MS windows detected a
possible device failure....
Tell MS about this problem. The display for RADEON 700 SERIES seems to be
responsible for the system instablility"

Pls advice, TIA


This definitely sounds like a driver issue. Couple things I would recommend.
One would be to call ATI, and see what they say about it. Another would be to
try an older driver version and see if that is any more stable than their
newest release.

If I was in your shoes though, the solution for me would be to upgrade to
Windows XP. If this is not possible, follow the prior suggestions.


Additionally, after reading the error message you posted again, this could
very well be that your hardware just died on you. Try the suggestions I gave
you in my last post to verify that it's not something software related and if
that doesn't work, it sounds like you may be needing a new video card.

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