Missing RTF File Attachment


Phil Wilson

Hi Guys

Not sure where to post this one, so I've posted here and
microsoft.public.exchange. Please don't flame me for cross-posting.

One of my users is experiencing a strange email problem.

We have Exchange 5.5 running on NT4. Mail client is Outlook 2000. When
this user sends his customer an email with an RTF file attached, the
recipient gets the message but the attachment is missing, with no
indication of why e.g. no message from firewall, AV etc... However, if
the user resends the same message by forwarding it to the same
recipient from his Sent Items folder, then the recipient invariably
gets the attachment successfully the second time.

Any help much appreciated.

Brian Tillman

Phil Wilson said:
Not sure where to post this one, so I've posted here and
microsoft.public.exchange. Please don't flame me for cross-posting.

You didn't cross-post. You multi-posted (i.e., posted two separate messages
in two groups.). Cross-posting is posting the same message in two groups.
Cross-posting is good. Multi-posting is bad.
We have Exchange 5.5 running on NT4. Mail client is Outlook 2000. When
this user sends his customer an email with an RTF file attached, the
recipient gets the message but the attachment is missing, with no
indication of why e.g. no message from firewall, AV etc... However, if
the user resends the same message by forwarding it to the same
recipient from his Sent Items folder, then the recipient invariably
gets the attachment successfully the second time.

In what format is the person sending the message? If in Rich Text, it's no
wonder the customer doesn't get the attachment. Rich Text is a format only
another Outlook user or a Eudora user can read. Have him send the message
in Plain Text or HTML format.

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