Missing or corrupt fastfat.sys



I have been WindowsXP upgraded from Win98 for a year.
When I try to boot up I get the following message:
Windows could not start because the following file is
missing of corrupt: System32\drivers\fastfat.sys. You can
attempt to repair this file by starting Windows setup CD
select r at the first screen to start repair.

When attempting to repair using the Windows CD I get this
message: File setupdd.sys could not be loaded. The error
is code 7.

Is there any help out there?

Bill James

A problem with RAM can cause this error. If you just added RAM, that is likely the problem. Even if no new RAM, memory can go bad and could well cause this problem. If you have more than one stick of RAM it is worth testing trying to boot with just one, rotating between different sticks and different slots.


Bill James
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User

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