My screen save does not work with my wireless optical mouse 2000. I updated
the mouse driver with Microsoft IntelliPoint 6.2. This fixed the problem. A
few weeks later, I had same problem. I uninstalled the update and
reinstalled it and it fixed the problem. Now the problem is back.
Uninstalling and reinstalling has not worked this time.
I have been looking for the Microsoft – Other Hardware – HID non-user input
data filter update but cannot find it. I went to the support site you
recommended and then linked to This
just opens my windows update screen that I can get to from the windows update
in the star menu. I can`t find this update anywhere in the Windows update.
My computer is up to date with all the available downloads, including the
latest service pack. The update I am looking for does not show up anywhere
in the installed updates list, so I don`t have it installed already. Can I
still get this update?
I have also referred to article 913405 which tells me to turn off the
PCMservice.exe program. I followed all steps to remove this from the System
Configuration, but it was not anywhere in the start-up tab. I tried to
remove the PowerDVD program, but I can`t find it either.
Do you have any suggestions on what to do next?