Microsoft Censorship PROVES it is a Corporate Scumbag!



As soon as someone composes something they have copywrite.

And I'd like to see you try to enforce that copywrite. Your posts are in
the PUBLIC DOMAIN as you are posting to a WORLD-WIDE PUBLIC newsgroup. If
you don't want your posts archived or copied - (what about the usenet
custom of quoting the post you are replying to?) then just DON'T post on


ms wrote:

As soon as someone composes something they have copywrite [sic]. <<

You're a writer and you don't know how to spell "copyright"!?
The only reason people can reprint something is due to fair usage, which
allows for comment or discussion of a certain subject, so potentially I
could reprint the page of a book if I wanted to comment on it or use it
as a
basis for discussion.

Just because of the way the internet [sic] works doesn't allow you to take
someone's work and use it. <

And why would anyone want to use your "work"?

You should stick to your meds and therapy.



capitan said:
Who's John?

Yesterday, John was "Talahasee". Today, he's "ms". Your guess is as good
as mine what he will call himself tomorrow, although his style will
surely give him away.


Michael Stevens

capitan said:
Who's John?

John, could it be possible what you snipped? LOL

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Leythos said:
Maybe you should do a simple google search on what XNA means - since
it doesn't have to be honored by any server and was something that
dejanews setup to allow users the option to not archive their posts.

Most servers don't honor XNA and they don't have to, there is no
requirement that xna be honored. Take into account all the web sites
that mirror Usenet and you're really screwed if you think you can
protect the content of your posts - face it, you put them into a
public forum, just as if you had shouted in a public area.

John probably will not reply because I outed him as a chronic religious
newsgroup trouble maker and failed porno author. How embarrassing is that
combination? LOL No wonder he tries to gain sympathetic support by saying he
is bi-polar. I don't see anything but someone trying to manipulate an
audience through deception. I for one will not be deceived by this fraud,
and I hope no one else will also be sucked into his delusion. He has been
disrupting various newsgroups since 2000, don't allow him to succeed again.
Even if he is mental, do not enable his illness by accepting it. Make him
aware he needs help and you will not enable his illness. Force him to get
real help if he really needs it.
As in real life the mentally ill are not allowed to dictate and disrupt any
sane persons daily routine you don't allow any so called insane person to
disrupt these newsgroups.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


kurttrail said:
With a horrid domain name it;s tough for anybody to take that post

Horrid? ROFL! I didn't know you were such an irrational little girl!

But you have every right to think like a little girl if you want, and
judge a book by its cover.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


kurttrail said:

The above post was pulled from MS's Servers. MS has know since XP was
in Beta that their too many installations PA message is confusing and
misleading. That it is now 2006, and MS has yet to change that
message, is a clear indication that this is purposeful, as changing
the text of that message would be the easiest fix MS would ever have
to make. But nearly 5 years later, still the same misleading message.
If MS REALLY cared about its customers, that message would have been
changed long ago, but that nearly 5 years has passed with MS doing
absolutely NOTHING to change the message is pretty much proof that
this misleading message is totally purposeful on Microsoft's part.

Instead of censoring me for pointing this out, if MS wants to
demonstrate that what I'm saying isn't the whole story, then CHANGE
THE EFFIN' MESSAGE! By censoring me, MS is showing that they'd rather
hide from the truth, than do what is right for its customers!

Yep, the corporate scumbags are at it again! You'd think they'd spend
their resources improving their product, not censoring a so-called
PUBLIC forum.

Maybe they should add to their net rules that only opinions that they
are comfortable with get posted. And add "notso" in front of "public"
in the title of their newsgroups!

You'd think WinXP was perfect, and MS had nothing better to do than
censor these groups!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"



Are you still at it? Don't you think it is time to move on. YOU ARE NOT
WANTED HERE! PERIOD. Get this in your head.



John said:

Are you still at it? Don't you think it is time to move on. YOU ARE
NOT WANTED HERE! PERIOD. Get this in your head.


ROFL! Ah, then you agree that this really isn't a PUBLIC newsgroup, and
that moniker added to this groups name is really just another in a very
long line of MicroLies!

MS and GWBush must be in competition to see which one can lie to THE
PEOPLE the most!

So, you can't have it both ways. Either this is a public group and all
of the public's opinions about MS & XP are welcome here, or MS is
nothing but a big fat GWBush (Liar).

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Richard in AZ

: John wrote:
: > kurttrail wrote:
: >>
: > <snipped>
: >
: > Are you still at it? Don't you think it is time to move on. YOU ARE
: > NOT WANTED HERE! PERIOD. Get this in your head.
: >
: > John
: ROFL! Ah, then you agree that this really isn't a PUBLIC newsgroup, and
: that moniker added to this groups name is really just another in a very
: long line of MicroLies!
: MS and GWBush must be in competition to see which one can lie to THE
: PEOPLE the most!
: So, you can't have it both ways. Either this is a public group and all
: of the public's opinions about MS & XP are welcome here, or MS is
: nothing but a big fat GWBush (Liar).
: --
: Peace!
: Kurt
: Self-anointed Moderator
: microscum.pubic.windowsexp.gonorrhea
: "Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
: "Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"
This is a public technical support forum, not a public soapbox to voice opinions, bias or not.

Jim Hill

Look. Say you're right, MS are Evil, Corrupt, all that.

A lot of the people here have just coughed up a lot of money for their
computers, and they're having trouble. Your shoving The Truth in their
faces isn't going to help them one... damned... bit.

A lot of the remaining people are trying to help them. Your shoving The
Truth in their faces isn't going to help them one... damned... bit.

So if you want to help, try to take a load off what we're doing. Find
answers we can actually *use* to the problems we're having. If the only
solution you can offer is to buy a Mac or get with the Linux movement,
then you're going to have to actually *convince* people that that will
help them with the problem they're trying to fix. Fixing problems is
why we're here.

And you're playing a losing hand. Microsoft are *rich*, Evil and
Corrupt. You don't get that way by being politically tone deaf.
They'll wait until you've wasted just a little bit more of our time and
then start canceling your posts, because they'll know the rest of us
will be positively grateful to them for doing it.

Or you're wrong, and they're just trying to please their customers, and
we'd all be ever so grateful if you'd just give it a rest.

Or you're partially right, and we could spend eternities examining all
the parts to decide where you're right and where you're wrong, except
that wouldn't help us with our problems one... damned... bit. And you
don't have any, which leaves us feeling like dingleberries.

So, please: give it a rest. Better yet, train that high-powered
perception of yours on *our* problems. Help out a bit. Offer something.
It's never too late.



Jim said:
Look. Say you're right, MS are Evil, Corrupt, all that.

A lot of the people here have just coughed up a lot of money for their
computers, and they're having trouble. Your shoving The Truth in their
faces isn't going to help them one... damned... bit.

A lot of the remaining people are trying to help them. Your shoving The
Truth in their faces isn't going to help them one... damned... bit.

So if you want to help, try to take a load off what we're doing. Find
answers we can actually *use* to the problems we're having. If the only
solution you can offer is to buy a Mac or get with the Linux movement,
then you're going to have to actually *convince* people that that will
help them with the problem they're trying to fix. Fixing problems is
why we're here.

And you're playing a losing hand. Microsoft are *rich*, Evil and
Corrupt. You don't get that way by being politically tone deaf. They'll
wait until you've wasted just a little bit more of our time and then
start canceling your posts, because they'll know the rest of us will be
positively grateful to them for doing it.

Or you're wrong, and they're just trying to please their customers, and
we'd all be ever so grateful if you'd just give it a rest.

Or you're partially right, and we could spend eternities examining all
the parts to decide where you're right and where you're wrong, except
that wouldn't help us with our problems one... damned... bit. And you
don't have any, which leaves us feeling like dingleberries.

So, please: give it a rest. Better yet, train that high-powered
perception of yours on *our* problems. Help out a bit. Offer something.
It's never too late.


Kurt has helped a lot people on this forum, including yours truly. His
style, well, is his style.



Jim said:
Look. Say you're right, MS are Evil, Corrupt, all that.

A lot of the people here have just coughed up a lot of money for their
computers, and they're having trouble. Your shoving The Truth in
their faces isn't going to help them one... damned... bit.

A lot of the remaining people are trying to help them. Your shoving
The Truth in their faces isn't going to help them one... damned...
So if you want to help, try to take a load off what we're doing. Find
answers we can actually *use* to the problems we're having. If the
only solution you can offer is to buy a Mac or get with the Linux
movement, then you're going to have to actually *convince* people
that that will help them with the problem they're trying to fix.
Fixing problems is why we're here.

And you're playing a losing hand. Microsoft are *rich*, Evil and
Corrupt. You don't get that way by being politically tone deaf.
They'll wait until you've wasted just a little bit more of our time
and then start canceling your posts, because they'll know the rest of
us will be positively grateful to them for doing it.

Or you're wrong, and they're just trying to please their customers,
and we'd all be ever so grateful if you'd just give it a rest.

Or you're partially right, and we could spend eternities examining all
the parts to decide where you're right and where you're wrong, except
that wouldn't help us with our problems one... damned... bit. And you
don't have any, which leaves us feeling like dingleberries.

So, please: give it a rest. Better yet, train that high-powered
perception of yours on *our* problems. Help out a bit. Offer
something. It's never too late.


That was a lot to right based on the fallacy that I believe MS is evil.
I'm not a religious nut trying to convince people to go into a shooting

You have a right to believe about me as you wish, but I know I've helped
people here.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Jim Hill

kurttrail said:
the fallacy that I believe MS is evil.

Then I've misinterpreting "microscum.pubic.windowsexp.gonorrhea" (let
alone "Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei") in your .sig in combination with
other remarks in your posts.

If that's how you talk about people you don't believe are evil, that's
your business; as alias pointed out, your style is your own. I hope you
can see how I got confused.
I've helped people here.

I certainly didn't check. I was wrong to presume. My apologies.


Please cut back on the contempt?


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