Microsoft Censorship PROVES it is a Corporate Scumbag!



Infosink said:
Disease is off topic so why should they post it then?

Dude, it's in my signiture as a joke, and not only just a joke, but a
self-deprecating one at that, since it is that fictitious newsgroup that
I self-anointed myself the moderator.
Anyway, your
juxtapositioning of the word sets the tone and sets you up for them
nixing your post which they have every right to do on their own

No it doesn't fool, since most of my posts are not pulled from the
server, yet all of them contain my signiture.
Keep it clean, reasonably respectful and make it truthful
and I doubt your posts will get censored much anywhere in the U.S. or

You are a fool. The USENET isn't in anyone country.
If you really have a point you have to make then in the U.S.
there's a free press and you are free to publish. Microsoft is not
obliged to carry your discussion of transmitted diseases.

Who had a discussion on diseases, moron? Are you halucinating?

The post that was pulled had NOTHING to do with my signature, as I've
been using it here for over two years now.

So only a complete idiot would believe my post was pulled because of my

Have Fun, Complete Idiot! If you only had a brain!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


I can't understand why kurttrail hangs around on MS newsgoups. I would
have thought that he would know by now that he is not wanted on these

It's not the Kurt isn't wanted, once in a while he actually provides
something that helps people. What's not wanted is the immature responses
or the immature posts that seek to troll/inflame.


I can't understand why kurttrail hangs around on MS newsgoups.

Which other MS newsgroups am I supposed to be hanging around on, other
than this one?
would have thought that he would know by now that he is not wanted on
these Newsgroups.

LOL! Who cares what you want? This is supposedly a PUBLIC newsgroup,
though I'd say that that is just another MicroLie.
Hw would be better off messing around on this

They know how to treat people like Kurttrail.

Bloody Bean Counters?! What are they gonna do, bore me to death?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Oh please, get over it. I use servers to get this
newsgroup. If I can't figure out that these are microsoft servers I
shouldn't be online. The posts are propagated to other servers but obviously
Microsoft has the right to nix any junk posts, dirty langauge posts, and
crazy off-topic rant posts on their servers if they feel it is appropriate
to do so.

If you want to talk dirty and rant go to one of the newgroups.


Leythos said:
It's not the Kurt isn't wanted, once in a while he actually provides
something that helps people. What's not wanted is the immature
responses or the immature posts that seek to troll/inflame.

Don't read them, or reply to them then. People have to take
responsiblility for their own actions, and if you don't like what I
post, don't read my posts, no one is forcing you to read them. And if
you think I'm just trolling, then responding to what you think are just
trolls only gives me more opportunity to troll/inflame you.

But I'm not trolling here. MS is really a scumbag corporation, that is
purposefully trying to con people into buying more copies of software
than they need to buy. That is a fact that is proven by their years of
not fixing that bogus PA message. If they weren't purposefully trying
to con people, then they would have fixed that message long before XP
went gold in 2001!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Infosink said:
Oh please, get over it. I use servers to get this
newsgroup. If I can't figure out that these are microsoft servers I
shouldn't be online. The posts are propagated to other servers but
obviously Microsoft has the right to nix any junk posts, dirty
langauge posts, and crazy off-topic rant posts on their servers if
they feel it is appropriate to do so.

And yet you can't not point to one specific thing in my post that was
pulled that was any of those things, that I and other's have posted here
If you want to talk dirty and rant go to one of the

Who was talking dirty? And what was dirty in my post that was pulled?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Get over activation. How many people do you think actually go out and get
new copies over that message? Darn few probably none I would suppose. I
really doubt MS is doing it to trick people. There are umpteen thousand
messages in Windows. The one you are so hung up about is probably just not a
priority fix.

Anway you're running their stuff, so your money is not really where your
mouth is, is it? I mean if you feel that badly there's plenty of other
businesses who have platforms and software for you to choose from. I bet you
would find, though, that in the end any of those companies are much tighter
on their customers than Microsoft will ever be. e.g. just look at the closed
shop Apple's turned out to be.


But I'm not trolling here. MS is really a scumbag corporation, that is
purposefully trying to con people into buying more copies of software
than they need to buy. That is a fact that is proven by their years of
not fixing that bogus PA message. If they weren't purposefully trying
to con people, then they would have fixed that message long before XP
went gold in 2001!

That's your Opinion and you are entitled to have it, just not entitled
to post it on MS Usenet servers unless they permit it.


Infosink said:
Get over activation.

Once it is dead.
How many people do you think actually go out and
get new copies over that message? Darn few probably none I would

Don't know how many copies MS's PA phone rep have conned out of people.
MS doesn't release the sales data from their PA phone lines.
I really doubt MS is doing it to trick people.

Good for you. There is a sucker born every nano-second, nowadays.
There are
umpteen thousand messages in Windows. The one you are so hung up
about is probably just not a priority fix.

Actually I didn't bring it up. Somebody else did. The post of mine
that was pulled was in response to another poster.

That facts are, MS knew that the message was misleading BEFORE XP went
gold. It should have been fixed before it ever saw anyone's home after
it went RTM! That it is now nearly FIVE years later, and still MS has
not fixed it shows how much MS's callously disregards its customers.
Anway you're running their stuff, so your money is not really where
your mouth is, is it?

ROFL! Sure it is. You don't know how I got my copy, or how I've
modified it.
I mean if you feel that badly there's plenty of
other businesses who have platforms and software for you to choose

My computer won't run Linux. And OSX isn't Wintel PC compatible yet,
but I suspect that it would have the same or similar problems Linux has
with my PC.
I bet you would find, though, that in the end any of those
companies are much tighter on their customers than Microsoft will
ever be. e.g. just look at the closed shop Apple's turned out to be.

And none of any of this gets MS a break on not fixing its bogus PA
message after all this time! Does anyone know if Anal Fistula has the
same or very similar languge? I got a sneeky suspicion that MS still
hasn't fixed it for Anal Fistula either.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
That's your Opinion and you are entitled to have it, just not entitled
to post it on MS Usenet servers unless they permit it.

And MS can be legitimately ridiculed for any opinion it censors.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


My computer won't run Linux.

Of course it will you Wintard. What makes YOUR computer so unique in the x86
world compared to the millions of others? Perhaps you should be blaming
yourself and lack of computer savy before blaming Linux or your computer?


NoStop said:
Of course it will you Wintard. What makes YOUR computer so unique in
the x86 world compared to the millions of others? Perhaps you should
be blaming yourself and lack of computer savy before blaming Linux or
your computer?

It won't run even the linux on cd distros. Linux doesn't like my

Oh, I could castrate my computer just to get linux installed, but then
it wouldn't be any better than my test machine, which is made up of my
old hardware, and it does dual boot linux.

But we've been through this before.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


While Usenet is routed all over the world, the individual servers are
completely under control of the company/user running them. Cancel
messages may or may not be honored.

The FCC has nothing to do with Usenet.

Usenet is not PUBLIC DOMAIN.

That is a new take.

Not that I wish to argue, but can you document that?
I'd look it up, but I'd have no clue even where to start.

I have been in a several-YEAR argument with some pinheads
in another group over what I am posting.

There, I choose to copyright my posts (I'm a professional
writer), and I'm hoping to publish a LOT of those posts.

And the pinheads are archiving and re posting my posts
elsewhere. In spite of my x-no-archiving.

I keep complaining about it, and they keep saying that
anything posted in Usenet is "public domain", and if I don't
want it quoted 10,000 other places, don't post it.


As for MS or any other hosting provider can/can't do - if you don't like
what they do, post through another server and it may make it around the
world, just not on the MS servers.

Thanks for the advice.

Good luck!


Michael Stevens

Talahasee said:
That is a new take.

Not that I wish to argue, but can you document that?
I'd look it up, but I'd have no clue even where to start.

I have been in a several-YEAR argument with some pinheads
in another group over what I am posting.

There, I choose to copyright my posts (I'm a professional
writer), and I'm hoping to publish a LOT of those posts.

And the pinheads are archiving and re posting my posts
elsewhere. In spite of my x-no-archiving.

I keep complaining about it, and they keep saying that
anything posted in Usenet is "public domain", and if I don't
want it quoted 10,000 other places, don't post it.


LOL John, what are you talking about?
It is public domain when you post. Anyone can repost what you say,
x-no-archive applies only to your posts, not replies or copies of your
posts. Anyone can do a Google groups search for say a randomly selected John
Weatherly and find replies to original posts. Weatherly &sa=N&tab=wg
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


That is a new take.

Not that I wish to argue, but can you document that?
I'd look it up, but I'd have no clue even where to start.

I have been in a several-YEAR argument with some pinheads
in another group over what I am posting.

There, I choose to copyright my posts (I'm a professional
writer), and I'm hoping to publish a LOT of those posts.

And the pinheads are archiving and re posting my posts
elsewhere. In spite of my x-no-archiving.

I keep complaining about it, and they keep saying that
anything posted in Usenet is "public domain", and if I don't
want it quoted 10,000 other places, don't post it.

Well, you appear to have taken what I said out of context.

Usenet is distributed to partner servers all over the world, it's
doesn't just magically get from one server to another - they have to
peer with each other.

Usenet, while having world reach, is still based on what the
user/company running the Usenet server permits or blocks.

Usenet posts, become public domain, as there IS NO EXPECTATION of
privacy due to the way that articles are distributed.

Usenet can be setup as a private or public service - meaning that you
can have your own Usenet server without public access, you can also have
a usenet service that has local only groups while still having public
groups - local groups would not be pushed to other servers.

The contents become public domain, as you were fully aware (unless
blindly ignorant) that the information was reaching the world and I've
never seen a Copyright work for Usenet posts. The posts are either
filtered or not, based on the server operators desires.

What this means is that you can post anything you want and it may or may
not reach anyone or be distributed, but one thing is clear, if you post
to a public group, you have just give it away, the same as shouting in


In spite of my x-no-archiving.

Maybe you should do a simple google search on what XNA means - since it
doesn't have to be honored by any server and was something that dejanews
setup to allow users the option to not archive their posts.

Most servers don't honor XNA and they don't have to, there is no
requirement that xna be honored. Take into account all the web sites
that mirror Usenet and you're really screwed if you think you can
protect the content of your posts - face it, you put them into a public
forum, just as if you had shouted in a public area.

Michael Stevens

Leythos said:
Maybe you should do a simple google search on what XNA means - since
it doesn't have to be honored by any server and was something that
dejanews setup to allow users the option to not archive their posts.

Most servers don't honor XNA and they don't have to, there is no
requirement that xna be honored. Take into account all the web sites
that mirror Usenet and you're really screwed if you think you can
protect the content of your posts - face it, you put them into a
public forum, just as if you had shouted in a public area.

John probably will not reply because I outed him as a chronic religious
newsgroup trouble maker and failed porno author. How embarrassing is that
combination? LOL No wonder he tries to gain sympathetic support by saying he
is bi-polar. I don't see anything but someone trying to manipulate an
audience through deception. I for one will not be deceived by this fraud,
and I hope no one else will also be sucked into his delusion. He has been
disrupting various newsgroups since 2000, don't allow him to succeed again.
Even if he is mental, do not enable his illness by accepting it. Make him
aware he needs help and you will not enable his illness. Force him to get
real help if he really needs it.
As in real life the mentally ill are not allowed to dictate and disrupt any
sane persons daily routine you don't allow any so called insane person to
disrupt these newsgroups.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


I hope no one else will also be sucked into his delusion. He has been
disrupting various newsgroups since 2000, don't allow him to succeed again.
Even if he is mental, do not enable his illness by accepting it. Make him
aware he needs help and you will not enable his illness. Force him to get
real help if he really needs it.
As in real life the mentally ill are not allowed to dictate and disrupt any
sane persons daily routine you don't allow any so called insane person to
disrupt these newsgroups.

Thanks for the warning.


Michael Stevens said:

LOL John, what are you talking about?

LOL, what are *you* talking about?
It is public domain when you post. Anyone can repost what you say,
x-no-archive applies only to your posts, not replies or copies of your
posts. Anyone can do a Google groups search for say a randomly selected
John Weatherly and find replies to original posts. Weatherly &sa=N&tab=wg

As soon as someone composes something they have copywrite.

The only reason people can reprint something is due to fair usage, which
allows for comment or discussion of a certain subject, so potentially I
could reprint the page of a book if I wanted to comment on it or use it as a
basis for discussion.

Just because of the way the internet works doesn't allow you to take
someone's work and use it.

Stick to fiddiling with computers.

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