McAfee vs Norton

  • Thread starter Gareth Tuckwell
  • Start date

Sharon F

Again, I refer you to recent tests conducted by ZDnet labs in Germany. 13
current AV offerings were tested. Guess which one was dead LAST? ETrust EZ
antivirus. It missed more than half of the known viruses tested.

Good Luck (I think you'll need it).

And this particular test is authoritative - why and according to whom? Pick
a different test (there are several that posts results online) and you'll
find different positions for each brand. No one product consistently rates
as top dog. And the tests that I keep an eye on rate EzTrust more highly.


Sharon F said:
And this particular test is authoritative - why and according to whom?
a different test (there are several that posts results online) and you'll
find different positions for each brand. No one product consistently rates
as top dog. And the tests that I keep an eye on rate EzTrust more highly.


I agree that test results can be arbitrary, and that the test procedures
probably have a great deal to do with the outcome. I have, however, paid a
lot of attention lately to AV. I frequently see results that indicate that
eTrust misses *KNOWN* viruses. I have trouble recommending anything that
has been implicated by more that one test. I realize that MS recently
purchased the company. I just think the product needs a little more work
before it reaches maturity, and can compare favorably with the likes of
Norton and AVG.

I hope that now that some money should be available for development, the
software engineers will have the opportunity to make the needed adjustments
to the product.



Thank you. I had read that Microsoft had purchased an Antivirus company
recently and assumed that since the eTrust disc shipped with the Security
Updates disc from last January that the company was eTrust. I guess what
they say about what happens when you "assume" something is true ;).


Sharon F

Thank you. I had read that Microsoft had purchased an Antivirus company
recently and assumed that since the eTrust disc shipped with the Security
Updates disc from last January that the company was eTrust. I guess what
they say about what happens when you "assume" something is true ;).


No problem, Bobby.

I think when it comes to the topic of antivirus programs, there's always a
wide spectrum of opinions on what is best. And people tend to feel strongly
about their favorites. Me? I like whatever doesn't cause blue screens on my
system. ;)

While it's good to research products and choose what's best for you and
your system, what's most important is keeping those virus definitions
updated. Without this maintenance, the level of protection is greatly


Dear all:

Hope I won't get into this ugly war by saying this. Reading this post
brings back the old ugly nightmare when I discussed subjects with engineers.
A lot of opinions and arguments but with little concrete facts-based
advises, and this post can be like a meeting in the real life, goes on and
on without anything constructive and productive.

If I may advise, can we put on apple-to-apple facts for highlighting points
we're trying to make, so the one who needs advise can make his/her own

Thanks for your help to me, but I just couldn't help to make the above
comments as this post has turned to a personal warfare.

Thanks and good luck.

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