Maybe you know about this????



Hello :)

How can I take screen shots... like device manager screen shot of that
window or any other window??? is there a software or do i need a virtual


Bruce Chambers

LFR said:
Hello :)

How can I take screen shots... like device manager screen shot of that
window or any other window??? is there a software or do i need a virtual


Pressing the <PrtScn> key copies the entire display to the
clipboard. Pressing <ALT>+<PrtScn> copies only the active Window to
the clipboard (iow, into RAM). To view the screen capture, open a
graphics program, such as MS Paint, and press <CTRL>+V. This will
paste the contents of the clipboard (your screenshot) into the open
file, and allow you to view it or save it as a file for later use.

How to Capture Screen Shots in Windows Using the Print Screen Key;en-us;173884


Bruce Chambers

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Sharon F

Hello :)

How can I take screen shots... like device manager screen shot of that
window or any other window??? is there a software or do i need a virtual


Press PrtScn (Print Screen key on keyboard) to capture entire desktop.
Press Alt+PrtScn to capture active window only.

Pressing the key(s), sends the captured info to the clipboard. You can then
paste this info to a program capable of supporting graphics: Paint or MS
Word, for example.

David H. Lipman

From: "LFR" <[email protected]>

| Hello :)
| How can I take screen shots... like device manager screen shot of that
| window or any other window??? is there a software or do i need a virtual
| machine..
| Thanks...

Use of software such as PaintShop Pro will allow you to capture any are of the screen by a
"Hot Key".

Otherwise you have to use the PrintScreen suggestions others have mentioned. I find
PaintShop Pro very valuable in all the documentation I create because I can easily capture
any portion of the screen and save the grapgic in numerous different grahic file formats as
wll as add to or modify the graphic.


LFR said:
Hello :)

How can I take screen shots... like device manager screen shot of that
window or any other window??? is there a software or do i need a virtual

I suggest that you put the area of the topic eg Screen Shots in the Subject
line - it is a bit more meaningful when looking at in OE.



PrintSreen, or Alt+PrtScrn, then paste into IrfanView (free and very useful
for all sorts of graphics stuff). From there, select whatever portion of
the screen you want--



=?Utf-8?B?TEZS?= said:
How can I take screen shots... like device manager screen shot of that
window or any other window??? is there a software or do i need a virtual

I just hit the Print Screen key, then paste to Irfanview and

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