Maxtor Problem.



Hi. No response to my previous posting. As my (expensive !} Maxtor
is still inoperative, I'll have another try.
I have
(apparently successfully) installed Maxtor and Retrospect Express external
drive, back-up, but when I reach the set-up stage at the "Welcome to
Retrospect Express----etc. Updating Status. 0 Restore Points Available"
screen and click on the Set-up button (the Restore and Auto Back-up buttons
are greyed - out) nothing happens and I can't get any further. I've
tried several reinstalls with the same result. Maxtor support has no
answer to the problem, except to suggest that it might be an "Installshield
issue",whatever that means.!! I'm completely baffled, so I'm hoping
that someone out there can help,please. [\quote]
Cheers, Alpha.


alpha24 said:
Hi. No response to my previous posting. As my (expensive !} Maxtor
is still inoperative, I'll have another try.

It may be that nobody reading this group has an answer or it may be that you
have posted your thread in the wrong group.
I would try microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware.

Charlie Tame

alpha24 said:
Hi. No response to my previous posting. As my (expensive !} Maxtor
is still inoperative, I'll have another try.
I have
(apparently successfully) installed Maxtor and Retrospect Express external
drive, back-up, but when I reach the set-up stage at the "Welcome to
Retrospect Express----etc. Updating Status. 0 Restore Points Available"
screen and click on the Set-up button (the Restore and Auto Back-up
buttons are greyed - out) nothing happens and I can't get any further.
I've tried several reinstalls with the same result. Maxtor support
has no answer to the problem, except to suggest that it might be an
"Installshield issue",whatever that means.!! I'm completely
baffled, so I'm hoping that someone out there can help,please. [\quote]
Cheers, Alpha.

I assume this is an external drive that is working now but the software that
came with it is not, is that right?

Installshield is what Windows may have used to set the software up, and
there are a couple of related issues.

1 Did you install it while signed on as an "Administrator". If not it may
not have been able to access something it needed to so your install will be

2 Are you still running as Administrator, maybe it cannot go any further if
you are only a "User".

Without being familiar with that particular software it is hard to answer
questions like this so that's probably why you got little response, it's
because nobody likes to give bad advice. You need to restate some details
when reposting, many people will not remember your previous post and many
will have simply missed it.

Anyway, turn off anything you don't need, including Anti Virus and Security
software and try again as Administrator if you didn't do those things the
first time. If Maxtor hadn't seen this before it does sound like it may be
something with your installation but I can;t think what apart from maybe
some sort of "Permissions" problem.

Good luck with it anyway


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