Marc phone number as default number on Outlook contact



When I sincronize outlook with my mobile phone I can not set a certain phone
number as default number so that when I call a contact from the phone default
number is picked up for the call. I have to go through each contact on the
phone and set the mobile phone as default. However when I sincronize again
outlook, phone default number is again changed. It is taking all the time the
number on field "Business" as default.
Is there a way to set a certain phone field as default number on the
contacts form in Outlook?


If there is I haven't found it. I just put the default phone number in the
Business field and the other phone numbers in the other fields.


I had an idea that you can try. If you put the number you want as default in
the top box and change the label "Business" to Mobile, it will probably work.
Worth a try.


I tried it and it still brings up the Business number even if it's not the
top one. I guess the only way is to put the number in the business field and
use the business 2 field for the real number for the office.

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