Macro Button and Closing Excel


Nils Titley

I created a Macro Button that I placed in the standard group of buttons and I
assoicated a Macro with it. Later I started Excel with a blank workbook. I
pushed the new macro button and the macro worked. It also opened the excel
workbook (Lift Logger) where the macro is stored. When I went to close the
Lift Logger workbook, I was asked, "Do you want to save the changes you made
to 'Lift Logger.xls'?

Well I did not make any changes to Lift Logger.xls? But more importantly,
1) Is there a way to surpress the opening of the Lift Logger.xls when I run
the macro in this manner? 2) Can I surpress the close message box?

If both or one are true, how and where do I put the code. It must be in the
macro some place. Please be aware that I am displaying some msgboxs in my

Thanks for your help.

Gary''s Student

Close it with something like:

Sub hfsja()
ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub

Barb Reinhardt

I presume you are opening the LiftLogger workbook and not making any changes.
if so, I'd suggest you open the workbook as ReadOnly within your code.
When you close it, you won't get these messages.

Nils Titley


No, I just have an empty Excel spreadsheet open. I do not have the Lift
Logger spreadsheet open. I have a cutomized menu button that I added to run
the Lift Logger Process macro. When I am in the new Excel spreadsheet, it
run the macro fine. Nothing is written to the Lift Logger spreadsheet but I
do write to a workbook saved.

Gord Dibben

Take the macro out of LiftLogger and put it in your Personal.xls.

Set Personal.xls to hidden.

All open workbooks will have access to any macros in Personal.xls

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Barb Reinhardt

What I meant was try something like this

Workbooks.Open(filename, ReadOnly:=True)

If you put the code in the Personal.xls file, you won't need to open the
file and you won't get the error message. If you keep it in a separate file,
you'll need something like the above. My personal.xls file is pretty large
and I've started splitting out code by specific functionality.

Nils Titley


Let me ask you another question. If you are providing this macro to others
is it more likely that having them put it in the personal.xls will become a


Gord Dibben

If you are going to share this macro and any other macros with other users you
would be better off to place all the macros into a module in a new workbook,
then save the workbook as an add-in.

File>SaveAs>File Type>MS Excel Add-in(*.xla)

Give the add-in to your users for them to load through their Tools>Add-ins

Then you don't muck about with their Personal.xls workbooks.

IMO this is the best way to share macros.

Also you don't have to preface the macro name with the workbook name when
assigning to a button or menu.

i.e. mymacroname instead of Personal.xls!mymacroname

Or with UDF's =myfunction(arg) instead of =Personnal.xls!myfunction(arg)


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