You have no idea how many times this subject crops up! I just finished
doing boilerplate routines for output to PDF or XPS. One uses PrintOut
with the XPS Document Writer, and one uses ExportAsFixedFormat. They
both do the same task in the following various ways:
- print/export selected sheets, 1 file per sheet;
- OR print/export a From/To range of sheets to 1 file;
- OR print/export selected sheets (random grouping) to 1 file;
- OR print/export all sheets to 1 file.
- optionally specify a different path;
- optionally time stamp the output file.
Both routines have 'test' routines that allow you to step through, step
over, or comment out unwanted output configs. The PrintTo_FixedFormat
routine works in all versions of Excel, and the SaveAs_FixedFormat
checks version before it runs.
Here's the code...
Sub SaveAs_FixedFormat(FileType&, Filename$, Settings, _
Optional IsGroup As Boolean = False, _
Optional FromToRng, Optional StampIt As
Boolean = True)
' Saves the following via ExportAsFixedFormat:
' Selected sheets, 1 file per sheet;
' Or a specified From/To group of sheets to 1 file,
' Or selected sheets (random grouping) to 1 file;
' Or an entire workbook to 1 file.
' ArgsIn:
' FileType& xlTypePDF (0) or xlTypeXSP (1)
' Filename$ Contains "<path>\<wkbName>" to which each wks.Name is
' Settings Array containing the settings for the export params
' IsGroup !
Dim wks As Worksheet, sExt$, sFile$, sTS$
If Application.VERSION < 12 Then Exit Sub
sExt = IIf(FileType = 0, ".pdf", ".xps") '//always
sTS = "_" & Format(Now(), "_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm_AMPM") '//always
If Not IsGroup Then '//1 file per sheet
For Each wks In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
sFile = Filename & "_" & & IIf(StampIt, sTS & sExt, sExt)
wks.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=FileType, Filename:=sFile, _
Quality:=Settings(0), IncludeDocProperties:=Settings(1), _
IgnorePrintAreas:=Settings(2), OpenAfterPublish:=Settings(3)
Next 'wks
Else '//multiple sheets per file
sFile = Filename & IIf(StampIt, sTS & sExt, sExt)
If Not IsMissing(FromToRng) Then '//it's a group
If Not LBound(FromToRng) = UBound(FromToRng) Then '//it's From/To
ActiveWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=FileType,
Filename:=sFile, _
Quality:=Settings(0), IncludeDocProperties:=Settings(1), _
IgnorePrintAreas:=Settings(2), OpenAfterPublish:=Settings(3), _
From:=FromToRng(0), To:=FromToRng(1)
Else '//it's selected sheets (random grouping)
'ExportAsFixedFormat only works with workbooks/worksheets,
'so copy selected sheets to a new (temp) workbook,
'export it, then discard it.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False '//hide activity
With ActiveWorkbook
.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=FileType, Filename:=sFile, _
Quality:=Settings(0), IncludeDocProperties:=Settings(1), _
.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With 'ActiveWorkbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If 'Not LBound(FromToRng) = UBound(FromToRng)
Else '//all sheets
ActiveWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=FileType,
Filename:=sFile, _
Quality:=Settings(0), IncludeDocProperties:=Settings(1), _
IgnorePrintAreas:=Settings(2), OpenAfterPublish:=Settings(3)
End If 'Not IsMissing(FromToRng)
End If 'Not IsGroup
End Sub 'SaveAs_FixedFormat
Sub Test_SaveAs_FixedFormat()
' Shows the various ways to use the SaveAs_FixedFormat routine.
' How the values passed to it are assembled is up to you!
' This example's focus is on how to prep the args only.
Dim sFile$, rng, vSettings
Const lTypePDF& = 0: Const lTypeXPS& = 1
'ExportAsFixedFormat accepts the following ArgsIn:
' Quality: Standard=0, Minimum=1 (file size)
' IncludeDocProperties: False=0, True=1
' IgnorePrintAreas: False=0, True=1
' OpenAfterPublish: False=0, True=1
'We pass our preferences for these to SaveAs_FixedFormat as a variant
vSettings = Split("0,0,0,0", ",") '//edit to suit
'[Construct the Filename according to output path]
'NOTE: Do not include the filename extension
'when using the ExportAsFixedFormat feature.
'If output to ActiveWorkbook.Path, use
sFile = Split(ActiveWorkbook.FullName, ".")(0)
'Edit workbook ref to suit
'If output to a different path, use
'Build sFile in logical steps
sFile = "C:\Users\Garry\Documents\VBA_Stuff\" '//path
'Append the filename as per your requirements
sFile = sFile & Split(, ".")(0)
'Edit workbook ref to suit
'[Specifying a range of sheets, or a selected sheets grouping]
'To Export StartWith/EndWith range of sheets, use
rng = Split("1,2", ",") '//From=rng(0),To=rng(1)
'To Export a random grouping as selected while pressing 'Ctrl', use
rng = Split("1", ",") '//makes LBound=UBound
'[Exporting scenarios]
'To Export 1 file per selected sheet (random grouping)
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile,
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile,
'To Export a From/To range of sheets to 1 file
rng = Split("1,2", ",")
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile, _
Settings:=vSettings, IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile, _
Settings:=vSettings, IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
'To Export selected sheets to 1 file (random grouping)
rng = Split("1", ",")
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile, _
Settings:=vSettings, IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile, _
Settings:=vSettings, IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
'To Export all sheets to 1 file
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile, _
Settings:=vSettings, IsGroup:=True
SaveAs_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile, _
Settings:=vSettings, IsGroup:=True
End Sub 'Test_SaveAs_FixedFormat
Sub PrintTo_FixedFormat(FileType&, Filename$, Optional NumCopies& = 1,
Optional IsGroup As Boolean = False, Optional
' Prints the following choices via the XPS Document Writer:
' Selected sheets, 1 file per sheet;
' Or a specified From/To range of sheets to 1 file,
' Or selected sheets (random grouping) to 1 file;
' Or an entire workbook to 1 file.
' ArgsIn:
' FileType& lTypePDF=0; lTypeXPS=1
' Filename Contains "<path>\<wkbName>"
' NumCopies !
' IsGroup !
Dim wks As Worksheet, sExt$, sFile$
'Edit to use your 'actual' port address.
Const sPrinter$ = "Microsoft XPS Document Writer on NE00:"
'To quickly find the port your XPS Document Writer uses,
' - change the printer in the Print dialog and close without
' - in the VBE Immediate Window type the following, then press
' ?activeprinter
' - reset the printer in the Print dialog to your default!
sExt = IIf(FileType = 0, ".pdf", ".xps")
If Not IsGroup Then '//1 file per sheet
For Each wks In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
sFile = Filename & "_" & & Format(Now(),
"_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm_AMPM") & sExt
wks.PrintOut ActivePrinter:=sPrinter, Copies:=NumCopies, _
PrintToFile:=True, PrToFileName:=sFile
Next 'wks
sFile = Filename & Format(Now(), "_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm_AMPM") & sExt
If Not IsMissing(FromToRng) Then '//it's a range
If Not LBound(FromToRng) = UBound(FromToRng) Then
ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut From:=CLng(FromToRng(0)),
To:=CLng(FromToRng(1)), _
ActivePrinter:=sPrinter, Copies:=NumCopies,
PrintToFile:=True, PrToFileName:=sFile
Else '//it's a random grouping
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut ActivePrinter:=sPrinter, _
Copies:=NumCopies, PrintToFile:=True, PrToFileName:=sFile
End If 'Not LBound(FromToRng) = UBound(FromToRng)
ActiveWorkbook.PrintOut ActivePrinter:=sPrinter,
Copies:=NumCopies, _
PrintToFile:=True, PrToFileName:=sFile
End If 'Not IsMissing(FromToRng)
End If 'Not IsGroup
End Sub 'PrintTo_FixedFormat
Sub Test_PrintTo_FixedFormat()
' Shows the various ways to use the PrintTo_FixedFormat routine.
' How the values passed to it are assembled is up to you!
' This example's focus is on how to prep the args only.
Dim sFile$, rng
Const lTypePDF& = 0: Const lTypeXPS& = 1
'[Construct the Filename according to output path]
'NOTE: Do not include the filename extension
'when using an XPS Document Writer.
'If output to ActiveWorkbook.Path, use
sFile = Split(ActiveWorkbook.FullName, ".")(0)
'Edit workbook ref to suit
'If output to a different path, use
'Build sFile in logical steps
sFile = "C:\Users\Garry\Documents\VBA_Stuff\" '//path
'Append the filename as per your requirements
sFile = sFile & Split(, ".")(0)
'Edit workbook ref to suit
'[Specifying a range of sheets, or a selected sheets grouping]
'To print StartWith/EndWith range of sheets, use
rng = Split("1,2", ",") '//From=rng(0),To=rng(1)
'To print a random grouping as selected while pressing 'Ctrl', use
rng = Split("1", ",") '//makes LBound=UBound
'[Printing scenarios]
'To print 1 file per selected sheet (random grouping)
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile
'To print a From/To range of sheets to 1 file
rng = Split("1,2", ",")
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile,
IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile,
IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
'To print selected sheets to 1 file (random grouping)
rng = Split("1", ",")
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile,
IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile,
IsGroup:=True, FromToRng:=rng
'To print all sheets to 1 file
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypeXPS, Filename:=sFile,
PrintTo_FixedFormat FileType:=lTypePDF, Filename:=sFile,
End Sub 'Test_PrintTo_FixedFormat
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