machine freezes up



Lately my machine freezes up for a long period of time. when I check the cpu
in the windows task manager, the cpu is showing 100% It takes a while for it
to come down. Any suggestions?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

kmkx70a said:
Lately my machine freezes up for a long period of time. when I check
the cpu in the windows task manager, the cpu is showing 100% It takes
a while for it to come down. Any suggestions?

Automatic Updates is likely to blame for this. Check in task manager / sort
by CPU usage - do you see svhost.exe hogging the cycles?

1. Download & install the Windows Update Agent 3 from

2. Download & install the KB927891 fix (reinstall it if you had previously
done so)

3. Re-set Windows Update & delete the cache, in a command line....

net stop wuauserv

del /f /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\*.*

net start wuauserv

wuauclt.exe /detectnow

4. Then reboot and run WU/Microsoft Update and make sure everything is fully

You may see a couple of residual svchost.exe errors (check the
date/timestamps; they are probably old) but this should do it.


You need to find the specific process or application that's taking all
the CPU resources and slowing down your PC.

To do this try Process Explorer:

Once you have Process Explorer installed and running:
In the taskbar select View and check 'Show Process Tree' and 'Show Lower
Pane' options.
(This will provide the detailed info you need)
Next click on the CPU column to sort processes by %CPU usage.
Then click on the process that's using most or all the CPU %,
once it's highlighted, right click and from the options listed select:
Search Online
This should display what out there on the web about that process.

Note: some entries like Explorer and svchost may need to be expanded to show
the detail,
(sub processes), in this case click on the + located to the left of the

Question: Does your PC have all the latest updates installed?



I diwnloaded KB927891 and installed it. But I'm lost on step 3 and the rest.
Help me out. thanks
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

kmkx70a said:
I diwnloaded KB927891 and installed it.

What about the WU update in #1?
But I'm lost on step 3 and
the rest. Help me out. thanks

Type the stuff I included in a command line, one at a time. Start | run |
cmd <enter> to open the command line.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"
Automatic Updates is likely to blame for this. Check in task manager
/ sort by CPU usage - do you see svhost.exe hogging the cycles?

1. Download & install the Windows Update Agent 3 from

2. Download & install the KB927891 fix (reinstall it if you had
done so)

3. Re-set Windows Update & delete the cache, in a command line....

net stop wuauserv

del /f /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\*.*

net start wuauserv

wuauclt.exe /detectnow

4. Then reboot and run WU/Microsoft Update and make sure everything
is fully

You may see a couple of residual svchost.exe errors (check the
date/timestamps; they are probably old) but this should do it.

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