Lost Windows XP startup and shutdown sounds



I recently purchased a Logitech Web Cam Pro 4000 with built in microphone,
installed the included v8 software, camera and microphone work fine
for webcamming over RoadRunner cable connection. First problem was that
Yahoo Messenger wouldn't load from the Logitech window, no problem though
because I could start it up separately. I went to the Logitech web site
to see if there was an upgrade to fix that problem, downloaded v8.4.1 and
installed it. Fixed the YahooMessenger startup problem.

Now the sounds that should play when Windows XP Pro starts-up and shuts-down
don't play. Checked the Sound settings in Control Panel and they are still
at Windows Default and play when I click the button. I've uninstalled the
upgrade software v8.4.1 and reinstalled the original v8 but that didn't fix
the "no sounds problem". I can't figure this out. Please help. Thanks in
advance, Mike


Mark thanks for your help. I'm familiar with editing the Registry though I
don't do it alot. Clicked on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
The right pane of the Registry shows:
Name = (Default), Type = REG_SZ, Data = the path to Eudora Pro which is my
email program.
I do get the sounds from Eudora Pro, but not the sounds for Windows XP Pro
start up and shut down.

Under the first entry there's another entry.
Name = PerfectFit Logical Syntax Characters, Type = REG_SZ, Data = "*<>|

Maybe it's that entry? Or is PerfectFit Logical Syntax Characters supposed
to show the Type and Data that mine indicate?

Thanks, Mike


Mark thanks for your help. I'm familiar with editing the Registry though I
don't do it alot. Clicked on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
The right pane of the Registry shows:
Name = (Default), Type = REG_SZ, Data = the path to Eudora Pro which is my
email program.
I do get the sounds from Eudora Pro, but not the sounds for Windows XP Pro
start up and shut down.

Under the first entry there's another entry.
Name = PerfectFit Logical Syntax Characters, Type = REG_SZ, Data = "*<>|

Maybe it's that entry? Or is PerfectFit Logical Syntax Characters supposed
to show the Type and Data that mine indicate?

Thanks, Mike

Mark L. Ferguson

I don't know. I would Export the key to a reg file, modify, and test. Import
if no help


I've tried everything I can think of. Even removed the Logitech software and
reinstalled the older version which did play windows event sounds but that
didn't work either. I created another user profile, it plays sounds, tried
to copy my settings folder by folder to the new user profile, but had
problems with permissions. I don't know what else to try, and don't want to
do a complete reinstall of XP because it wipes out the hard-drive. Any other
ideas? Mike


I've tried everything I can think of. Even removed the Logitech software and
reinstalled the older version which did play windows event sounds but that
didn't work either. I created another user profile, it plays sounds, tried
to copy my settings folder by folder to the new user profile, but had
problems with permissions. I don't know what else to try, and don't want to
do a complete reinstall of XP because it wipes out the hard-drive. Any other

I had a similar problem a year or so ago. Lost Windows system sounds
but all other audio worked okay. In my case it was caused by
installing a version of Nero.

From a note I made:

"Actually it's not exactly as the MSKB article states: there doesn't
have to be a null value for this not to work! If you look at the
string at the root of HKEY_CURRENT_USER you should have name=(Default)
Type=REG_SZ Data=(value not set). After you install Neromix 1.3.039
the data changes to nothing ! If you open the string there is no
value, but if you choose "change binary data" you will see there is a
The solution: simply right click on that string and delete it. Windows
will immediately create the right default string and PRESTO! all your
sounds are back!! "


Scott, thanks for the tip, and my Registry entries do correspond to what
you've written but that's not the problem. Today I uninstalled the Logitech
Web Cam Pro 4000 software and my Windows Event Sounds are back. It
definately has something to do with the Logitech software. I spent long
distance time on the phone with Logitech support and they couldn't help. It
was a case of one manufacturer of software, Logitech, blaming the
manufacturer of my Windows XP Pro operating system, Microsoft. Then
Microsoft tells me to look to Logitech for the answer. If you haven't run
into that kind of manufacturer finger pointing yet, you will at some point.
They all do it. Thanks again, Mike

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