lost IE6


Bill H.

They've downloaded and installed a bunch of win XP update (currently running
media center edition) files, including IE7 (so it appears).

Now stuff is broken. The usual icon for MSIE does not launch (program not
found). IE7 is installed in c:\windows\ie7, and I can launch it from there,
but in the c:\program files\Internet Explorer folder there is no
"iexplorer.exe." Thus, any desktop Internet icons do not work. Also, the
link on the start button for "Windows update" does nothing, not even
reporting a "not found" msg.

What when wrong, or more importantly, how do we get back to "normal?"


-- Bill


Here are 4 options that I would like to proffer

-Uninstall IE7 and reinstall IE6

-Uninstall and reinstall IE7

-Make a copy/shortcut to the IE7 exe file and move it to the Internet
Explorer folder

-Switch to an alternative Web Browser.

Those are just a couple suggestions from a fellow user

Looking forward to what a tech admin will suggest

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