lost bookmarks during upgrade



when i upgraded from ME to XP i lost my address book and bookmarks from
netscape...does anyone know how i can retrieve those files,,,any help would
be appreciated


when i upgraded from ME to XP i lost my address book and bookmarks from
netscape...does anyone know how i can retrieve those files,,,any help would
be appreciated

You would import them from the files they were contained in - they would
be located in your netscape profile on the drive, unless you wiped it.

You DID make a backup and export those things to a safe location before
the upgrade?


leythos..thanks for the response..but during the upgrade procedeure this was
the one item not mentioned...considering i had netscape working prior to the
and i had to totally reinstall netscape after the upgrade, maybe "IE" just
wanted to be the big boy on the block..but i was able to retrieve those files
from an earlier verision of netscape called "communicator" which wasn't
affected by the upgrade...i really appreciate your help nonetheless..

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