Howdy Michael.
What you need to do is open up a command line (
Start > Run > Command) in windows. Then you need to navigate to the directory that the file(s) that're too long to delete are located in. (i.e, If it's on your Desktop and you're at
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>, you'd use
cd Desktop, or if you were at
C:\Windows>, you'd use
cd.. | cd Documents and Settings | cd YOURACCOUNTNAME | cd Desktop
Once there, take the first 6 characters of your file name (i.e, if the file were ThisIsAReallyFrigginLongFileName.doc), then append a ~1 to those 6 characters. Your file will now look like ThisIs~1.doc (do not remove the file extension, if it's visible.)
Now all you should need to do is run the DEL command:
C:\Documents and Settings\YOURACCOUNTNAME\Desktop>DEL ThisIs~1.doc
If you encounter an error like this:
Could not find C:\Documents and Settings\YOURACCOUNTNAME\ThisIs~1.doc, Make sure that the file you're trying to delete does not contain any out-of-the-ordinary attributes; the most common being Hidden (users hide the files they can't delete due to sheer frustration of having to look at them.

) In this case you would want to append the /AH operator to the DEL command.
C:\Documents and Settings\YOURACCOUNTNAME\Desktop>DEL /AH ThisIs~1.doc
I hope this helps you with your problem, I know it was very frustrating when I first had it. =)