John said:
IDE "integrated drive electronics"
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IDE "integrated device electronics"
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Linux ? To play a game ?
Boy, are you a glutton for punishment.
Especially with the most recent Ubuntu stuff, home
of the miserable Unity interface.
Does your game work in both Gnome and KDE, or
is the control console only intended for
one of those ? That's only important if the
game expects to fit into the rest of the
desktop appearance. You can still run
vanilla XOrg programs, under any window
You can run elements of both. For example, Ubuntu
is Gnome. If I ask package manager to install
K3B burner program for burning CDs, it sucks
in 110MB worth of KDE libraries as part of
the installation. And still works.
In the "glutton for punishment" department, you can
install the server version of Ubuntu, then install
GUI components on top of that. I would *test* how to
do that in a VM, rather than do that to the machine
directly. The purpose of doing it that way, is so
you can use the machine for other things (like, searching
for answers in your real OS, while fighting with the
install). You write down the steps as you go, then
repeat the misery in a real-mode server install later.
Server installs happen without a GUI, so you'll be
doing much of your work from the command line. You should
learn which keys allow you to switch command line
windows (like ctrl-alt-f2, ctrl-alt-f3, ... kinda thing).
This comes in handy, when your current command line is
stuck for some reason.
This is the server version of 11.10, installed first,
then XOrg and Gnome installed after that. While
the branding is Ubuntu, in many ways the results looks
more like Debian. This was relatively easy for me
to do, because I've been through this "manual GUI"
exercise before. I don't think I can recite from
memory, all the steps. I just play it by ear
(fumble around) when I get there.
From this page, I should be able to get an install
log, of the packages added. Hmmm. It looks like
any package installed, before Synaptic was installed,
isn't logged in File : History. So I can't tell what
I installed, and in what order. For example, when
I look in Synaptic now, it looks like Xorg isn't installed,
and you can't run a GUI without something like Xorg
I expect you'll be using a Nvidia developed or
ATI developed Linux video card driver. Those would
have better OpenGL performance than the vanilla
Nouveau or equivalent. At least, when I use
the craptastic GLXGears to test, I get better results
with proper drivers. (You only install "proper" drivers
in the native install, not in your VM bootstrapping
exercise install.) NVidia divides their driver
versions into three. Older cards get support cut
off, so an older card uses an older driver. Only
the relatively modern cards, work in the highest-version-number
driver. My card is old enough, it probably uses
the oldest of the three Nvidia drivers. On some
distros, the OS is pretty good at picking the
right one for you. Or, if you do it yourself
(i.e. read instructions on Nvidia site,
use package manager manually), then it's up to
you to download the right package. Once you
do that, then things like updating the kernel
package, will no longer work (as tainted drivers
aren't "supported" and not updating the kernel
is their way of saying "piss off"

) . So if you
felt the need to update the kernel version, you'd
probably do that before applying the tainted driver.
It's a lot like driving a tractor trailer, by
sticking your feet outside the cab and dragging
them on the street, and hoping the friction
will pull the truck left or right...