Internet speeds on different linux distros and the best one


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I have tried almost several distros in last 3 months. One thing I always do is to test the speed of the internet on each of my machine. Today while playing around with Linux Mint 14.1 I managed to get the best out of this distro in terms of the internet speed while using the wifi.

Linux mint wins hands down on a consistant basis on all machines with almost 40% higher speeds on each machine compared to all the other distros I tried including Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10. 13.04, Puppy Linux 5.5, PCLinuxOS Full Monty, Lubuntu 12.10, Kubuntu 12.10, OpenSuse 12.3 and Linux Mint 13.

My three machines are:

Samsung Laptop with i5 processor 1.7 Ghz (2.4 Ghz Turbo) and 8 GB Ram
IBM Laptop with Centrino 1.6 Ghz and 2 GB Ram
HP Desktop with Pentium 4 Processor 3.2 Ghz and 2 GB Ram

All I can think of is that the networking aspect in the latest mint is a very efficient and well implemented for some reason. :nod:

Besides, networking this particular version of Mint is the best in terms of user experience is concerned, I have had no issues whatsoever, worked out of the box for me. :thumb:
I don't think the speed differences are just down to which Linux distro you use. I was told by my ISP that system spec can also affect what speed you are getting
I have an old PC Celeron D 1.8ghz with Windows 7 and I only see about 27mb download, yet my i7 machine with Windows 7 sees the full 75mb download speed.
I also notice wuite different speeds with different browsers.
Mint 15 is now released :) With Mate & Cinnamon.

I'm always a little bemused by this obsession with Internet speed. The only time I ever really notice a difference in real world terms using whatever OS or machine is when one of my network machines is downloading something. And then it drags a great deal.

Still, whatever, carry on :)
Yes the machine specs play a big role but my old IBM laptop with Mint 14.1 did better than Samsung with Windows 7 so go figure.:nod:

Browser used on all was Firefox latest version 21

Server used across the board was

We all play with different toys in different ways :lol:
Ah ha speedtest same tester as I used then.

My Pi does not have FF. I use Midori or Netsurf and I must say the net speed is pretty decent, though slower than on my main pc. :)