Linking Photos w/out growing the database size


Jack Skrogstad

I have some records that I would like to link to a photo
that will not create massive file size. I did "INSERT"
the file photos and the database grew to its max size of
1.9gb. I even tried to "LINK" the photo from just a
folder of the files of photos but that too grow. Is there
a secret to linking the photos only and not having the
photos become part of the size of the database?

Van T. Dinh

store the photo in separate files and simply store the pathnames to these
graphic / photo files in your database.

Jack Skrogstad

Ok I tried linking using the browse then checking the link
and it did link fine. then the next file i go to browse,
then link and no files only folders are seen in the
browsing window. however if i know the name of the file,
i can type it and click ok, it will link but i wish the
files would appear. Any suggestions?

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