Linking Access 2003 database to a "PAGE" created with Access 2003



I have created a database and “PAGE†within Access 2003, that works fine
locally. I now uploaded the database to my internet host provider that does
support mdb . The host provider created a folder called “databaseâ€

I copied the PAGE I created with Access 2003 to my “web†folder. I also
changed the “PAGE†properties “data†section to look into the database.

I keep receiving the error “data provider could not be initialized†The
PAGE obviously cannot find the data because it is linked improperly. I have
searched the help and other areas for a few days. The only thing I found was
“Publish Web page†but it needs to be more Mickey Mouse for me. Is there an
example of accomplishing this task somewhere?

Also, is there a way of accessing the page without making the page a
“Trusted†site? This means that anyone trying to view the PAGE must make the
web site a trusted site before viewing.


I'm having the same problem, and no one seems to know how to solve the
problem. One should think that Microsoft would have written some support
documents for this problem but I just can't find help anywhere.

"John-Paul" skrev:

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