Laptop Network



I have an office laptop which just got vista ultimate loaded. I want to be
able to use the wireless connection to access my network just like I would if
I were sitting at my office desktop. My computer people are saying that Vista
has serious VPN Issues. Any suggestions on how I can go on my company trips
and still get my information. My desktop is due to be scrapped so the laptop
is my only PC.


Richard G. Harper

You would need to check with your IT staff on this. The only "VPN issues"
that Vista has is that not all VPN software manufacturers have released
Vista-compliant versions of their software.

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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Lang Murphy

JImv said:
I have an office laptop which just got vista ultimate loaded. I want to be
able to use the wireless connection to access my network just like I would
I were sitting at my office desktop. My computer people are saying that
has serious VPN Issues. Any suggestions on how I can go on my company
and still get my information. My desktop is due to be scrapped so the
is my only PC.


Please clarify exactly what you're trying to do. Some may be able to read
between the lines, but that's just assumption in the end. You have a laptop
that you take on the road and you're concerned about VPN'ing into your
corporate network? And your "computer people" say that their VPN won't work
on Vista? (If the latter, you're SOL, dude. Only option is to wait until
your people [or more exactly, your company's VPN software] get with the
Vista program.)


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