Language Pack Installation Override



I frequently run across the "Language Pack Installation" message
when dealing with foreign websites. There is a checkoff box labeled
"Never install any language packs".

I am afraid of checking this box since it appears to be an unalterable
selection. Should I change my mind, how would I ever be able to
install a language pack? I cannot find an ’override’ in Internet
Explorer 6 and I hope it does not require editing the Registry. Is it
safe to check this box?


I frequently run across the "Language Pack Installation" message
when dealing with foreign websites. There is a checkoff box labeled
"Never install any language packs".

I am afraid of checking this box since it appears to be an unalterable
selection. Should I change my mind, how would I ever be able to
install a language pack? I cannot find an ’override’ in Internet
Explorer 6 and I hope it does not require editing the Registry. Is it
safe to check this box?

I might be wrong, but you can reenable that dialog box in Internet Options
-> Advanced -> Browsing -> Enable Install On Demand.

[Update]: It looks like Microsoft are agreeing with me on this:
Description of the "Install on Demand" and "Automatically Check for
Updates" Features (link).

[Update update]:
IIRC, XP is different from the rest. To actually install the language
packs you need to do it from your XP-CD. To find out how, do a search for
"japanese" in the Help and Support Center (choose the first result).

oshah [shexec32]
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Error Reporting -> Choose Programs
-> Do not report errors for these programs:




OShah said:
I frequently run across the "Language Pack Installation" message
when dealing with foreign websites. There is a checkoff box labeled
"Never install any language packs".

I am afraid of checking this box since it appears to be an unalterable
selection. Should I change my mind, how would I ever be able to
install a language pack? I cannot find an ’override’ in Internet
Explorer 6 and I hope it does not require editing the Registry. Is it
safe to check this box?

I might be wrong, but you can reenable that dialog box in
Internet Options
-> Advanced -> Browsing -> Enable Install On Demand.

[Update]: It looks like Microsoft are agreeing with me on
Description of the "Install on Demand" and "Automatically
Check for
Updates" Features (link).

[Update update]:
IIRC, XP is different from the rest. To actually install the
packs you need to do it from your XP-CD. To find out how, do a
search for
"japanese" in the Help and Support Center (choose the first

oshah [shexec32]
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Error Reporting ->
Choose Programs
-> Do not report errors for these programs:


OShah, thanks so much for your reply. The Microsoft article 222639
does support what you say. But I’m still a bit puzzled on the’s why.

In Internet Options, I have both Enable Install on Demand options
turned OFF--whenI get this Language Pack Installation (LPI) message.
If I were to click the Install button, I assume the download would
proceed. And if a month from now, a different language were to show
up, I assume I would again see the LPI message and do the same thing.

However, suppose I clicked "Never install any language packs" in the
LPI message--I don’t see how that affects me. Perhaps it’s meant to
override these options for those people who have Enable Install on
Demand turned ON.....

In any event, you have shown me that it is safe to click the "Never
install.." button. Since I prefer avoiding "automatic" downloads,
there is nothing gained by clicking it. I’m prepared to keep seeing
future messages................

Again, thanks for giving me the Microsoft reference.

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