Jpeg Files


Carl G

Hi All
On my pc all my photo files are saved as JPEG files and work great.
On my sons pc all his photo files are saved as JPG files.
Both runninmg XPSP2.
But he uses MSN Explorer and the mail on MSN explorer won't let him send a
JPG file but will send AJPEG file.
Why is that,is it a security setting on MSN somewhere.
We both have Qwest dsl with MSN Priumem.
But outlook express useing http mail will send any file no problem.
Hope i explained this right.


Hi All
On my pc all my photo files are saved as JPEG files and work great.
On my sons pc all his photo files are saved as JPG files.
Both runninmg XPSP2.
But he uses MSN Explorer and the mail on MSN explorer won't let him send a
JPG file but will send AJPEG file.
Why is that,is it a security setting on MSN somewhere.
We both have Qwest dsl with MSN Priumem.
But outlook express useing http mail will send any file no problem.
Hope i explained this right.

Ask in one of the MSN newsgroups


Wesley Vogel

As far as Windows is concerned, .jpg and jpeg files are the same thing. The
File Class is jpegfile and the File Description is JPEG Image.

I know nothing about MSN Explorer. Someone who does may post an answer.

He can just change the file extension on the files, either one at a time
manually or using the command prompt with the xcopy command to change all of
the file extensions in a folder.

To manually change the file extensions one at a time.
Right click the file you want to rename.
Click Rename.
Add an E to some_name.jpg to make it read some_name.jpeg.

To rename all file extensions in a folder.

Rename all .jpg files to .jpeg files.

Open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |

The CD command changes the directory.

For example...
Type: cd %userprofile%\My Documents\My Pictures
Hit your Enter key.
The prompt should change to...
C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\My Documents\My Pictures

%userprofile% is the same thing as C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here
and is shorter to type or even paste.

CD to whatever directory (folder) that the files are in.
Then type the following command and hit Enter...

xcopy *.jpg *.jpeg

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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