


A short time ago, within a the month, I noticed that I cannot load links that
are encoded "javascript:(something)..." I have looked everywhere for a
solution and haven't located it yet. I am running Version:
6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_trm.040803-9158 128-bit. I have reloaded IE, and
Java and have check every setting I can think of, and all of the microsoft
Knowledge Base info. What have i missed or what can I do to fix this short
of a "clean" install.


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

dlp1950 said:
A short time ago, within a the month, I noticed that I cannot load links
are encoded "javascript:(something)..." I have looked everywhere for a
solution and haven't located it yet. I am running Version:
6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_trm.040803-9158 128-bit. I have reloaded IE, and
Java and have check every setting I can think of, and all of the microsoft
Knowledge Base info. What have i missed or what can I do to fix this
of a "clean" install.


Java has nothing to do with JavaScript.

1. You might want to refresh your scripting engine:
Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 2000 and XP

Sometimes there's a corrupt file in the cache and one must go to Tools |
Internet Options and click Delete Files.

2a. Start>Run>Regsvr32 vbscript.dll

2b. Start>Run>Regsvr32 jscript.dll

(WinXP users who have problems with 2a and 2b, see

3. Re-register all DLLs listed in

4. See also
Error Message When You Browse the Web: An Error Has Occurred in the Script
on This Page
Scripting Errors When You View Web Pages in Internet Explorer after
Installing Office 2003

5a. IE Tools>Internet Options>Advanced>Browsing>Enable third-party browser
extensions (uncheck & reboot).

5b. Find the hijacker that caused 5a to be checked (or if none were checked,
check for hijackware anyway):

Dealing with Hijackware

How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


I followed these instructions from a previous post last night. I did see a
couple of new things, so I did that. It did not correct the problem. I
refreshed all the DLL's and re-installed Sun's Java J2SE Version 1.5.0 What
happens exactly is that I while on a website, I click on a link on the web site for a live chat, the status bar shows
"javascript:Livechat();" and the window opens with a new address, and then
closes without further info OR I click the link on for an account
statement and the status bar shows
"javascript:popupExternal(/DTVAPP/". I get the same
message on several other sites, with each one have "javascript:"(something)
on the status line and the windows momentarily opening and then gone...

I am still at a loss, I ran the newest version of Ad-Aware SE, and
TrendMicro Virus Scan and do not seem to have a noted problem. Any other
ideas or suggestions will be most welcome and regarded. I really don't want
to do a "Clean" boot restore if i can avoid it, and would much rather find
the problem.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE

You can do anything you want with Java and it will have absolutely no effect
on JavaScript. Did you try my first four suggestions? It's really not
clear from your post.


Yes, I tried all of your suggestions in order, step-by-step. I did it again
after this message, just to make sure that I didn't forget to do something.
1. I refreshed the script engine and downloaded the verified file. 2.a, 2.b,
and 3 all completed and I am running jview .3810, then 4. (I really figured
that this would fix it, as it specifically addresses the issue,
but....Noooooo. :) then 5. And I re-ran Ad-Aware SE, double checked the
update, then went to ahuma/parasite.html, and got Spybot, which did find a
few that Ad-Aware didn't. (WOW), but I am still there with the click, blank
window, gone (poof).

Still at loss...

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE

dlp1950 said:
Yes, I tried all of your suggestions in order, step-by-step. I did it
after this message, just to make sure that I didn't forget to do
1. I refreshed the script engine and downloaded the verified file. 2.a,
and 3 all completed and I am running jview .3810, then 4. (I really
that this would fix it, as it specifically addresses the issue,
but....Noooooo. :) then 5. And I re-ran Ad-Aware SE, double checked the
update, then went to ahuma/parasite.html, and got Spybot, which did find a
few that Ad-Aware didn't. (WOW), but I am still there with the click,
window, gone (poof).

Still at loss...

I have no more ideas.

Except that Jview gives the Java version and has absolutely nothing to do
with JavaScript

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


I have been having the exact same issue with my computer. Every time I try
to run something with a javascript nothing happens. I too went through all
of the suggestions that you gave and still nothing. I have run my anti-virus
and a spyware finder but the problem persists. Do you have recommendations
for other programs to run to look for "germs" that may be in my computer and
causing this error. Its really annoying not to be able to open about 1/2 the
stuff that I would like to see.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE

jar76 said:
I have been having the exact same issue with my computer. Every time I
to run something with a javascript nothing happens. I too went through
of the suggestions that you gave and still nothing. I have run my
and a spyware finder but the problem persists. Do you have
for other programs to run to look for "germs" that may be in my computer
causing this error. Its really annoying not to be able to open about 1/2
stuff that I would like to see.
"Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE" wrote:

No real suggestions besides making sure that your Security settings aren't
blocking scripts. They can also be blocked by popup blockers andfirewalls,
so look at thos settings, too.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

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