Is Vista crash proof? Nope...


Clenna Lumina

Justin said:
It is the most stable. What's your point?

Who told you this garbage?

We know what? That our Vista installation work great? Yup!

??? Are you serious? Words have meanings! You have to use the right
words. What are you? 10?

A) Learn to quote properly. Either you don't know how to set your
reader's wrapping or you are purposely breaking sentances in half.

B) Your installation != everyone's installation. Vista is greatly
dependant on the hardware it's running on. This super dependacy is
partly what makes it so fragile. Even some hardware that claims it's
compatible doesn't necessary function correctly. I honestly don't recall
there ever being issues this sever when XP came about. Why on Earth
should people have to put up with this?


Clenna Lumina said:
A) Learn to quote properly. Either you don't know how to set your reader's
wrapping or you are purposely breaking sentances in half.

Only you understand gibberish.
B) Your installation != everyone's installation. Vista is greatly
dependant on the hardware it's running on. This super dependacy is partly
what makes it so fragile. Even some hardware that claims it's compatible
doesn't necessary function correctly.

1. ALL hardware is dependant on software.

2. XP was greatly dependant as well "for it's success". Then better drivers
came out....blah...blah...blah....same old shi' different troll.

I NEVER got XP drivers for my scanner. I had to throw it away. Sound
familiar? I believe there are currently two threads about this as I type
this post.
I honestly don't recall there ever being issues this sever when XP came
about. Why on Earth should people have to put up with this?

Then get your brain checked!!! You have a serious memory problem!

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"Who cares how exactly it's worded"
Perhaps you should since what you said bore little resemblance to
Likening those dissimilar phrases makes it look like you are putting
your own "spin" of "untruthfulness" to it.

"crash proof" and "most stable Windows" are quite a ways apart.
I have experienced "most stable Windows" over the last 3 months with
Vista, but I never even considered Vista or any OS could be "crash

"Who cares how exactly it's worded..."
Apparently not you since you then "spin" it how you want while
confusing dissimilar phrases.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

"I honestly don't recall there ever being issues this sever when XP
came about."
The fact you do not recall does not mean it did not happen.

"Why on Earth should people have to put up with this?"
No one has to put up with anything.
Everyone has a choice and only they choose how to exercise that
Everyone has options some being:
They can choose to stay with their current system.
They can purchase a system from an OEM and the OEM guarantees
compatibility with everything purchased with the system.
They can purchase Windows Vista and research compatibility issues in
advance and eliminate most problems before starting.
If Vista was purchased and found incompatible, return Vista.

The Traveler

I always had this problem with XP, go figure....

I didn't ;-)

Interesting... I spoke with a couple of IT friends who were very
active Vista beta testers. When I described my problem, they smiled
and mentioned that this was a known issue that had been reported
several times during the beta phase. They had hoped that it would have
been resolved before the software turned gold.

In any event, it seems that my original message has been interpreted
as an attack on Microsoft. All I was doing was posting my experience,
Mind you, I do like Vista and apart from this specific issue, it has
been stable for me.


The Traveller
Oceanside, California

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