"If the WindowsInstaller value in the program's Uninstall key is 1, the
Add/Remove Programs applet ignores the UninstallString value and always does the equivalent of an 'msiexec /x{productcode}.' A trick I've used (stolen
from InstallShield) is to create a "manual" entry in the Uninstall key. Set
ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT to 1 to have the RegisterProduct standard action create an Uninstall key with a SystemComponent value of 1 -- that hides the entry in Add/Remove Programs. Then I use the Registry table to create another Uninstall key. In this key, manually specify the values that MSI usually creates, but omit the WindowsInstaller value. Then you can make
UninstallString 'msiexec /i{productcode}' or whatever you want.”
I want to uninstall some another application with uninsaller
of my application.
For that I created batch file which uninsall both applications which
MsiExec.exe /X {0C20DEB6-642F-30D9-BBB8-D27A747E8132}
MsiExec.exe /X {CF79A9E2-D043-46F7-B833-7360AB8F7D7E}
Now I want to call that file from AddRemove programs Remove button of
my application.
For I changed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows
uninstall string with path of batch file and tried to uninstall
application from add/remove programs but still it uninstall only my
application not another.
Then I tried to change the uninstall string of my application with
another application uninstall string. Then tried to uninstall
application from add/remove programs but still it uninstall only my
application not another.
What is wrong in my case?/ How to achive my functionality?
When I tried to manually change the registry string WindowsInstaller from 1 to 0 for my application then I seen two entries in the add/remove programs for my application
Then SystemComponent to 1 to hide the entry from add/remove programs for my application but which is also not working.
Why there are two entries and how to tomake it one?
Thanks & Regards