Jon Low
I have recently installed vista 32bit, on my dell dimension desktop, and am
using a d-link wireless card (DWL 510) to connect to a d-link router. i have
installed the updated driver for the wireless card. my problem is the
internet keeps dropping off after several hours and cant re-connect, it can
see the router but no internet traffic is getting through. another wired or
side affect is it totally messes up my home network which has another pc
connected via wired cable. once i disconnect my PC the home network comes
back online? any suggestions?
using a d-link wireless card (DWL 510) to connect to a d-link router. i have
installed the updated driver for the wireless card. my problem is the
internet keeps dropping off after several hours and cant re-connect, it can
see the router but no internet traffic is getting through. another wired or
side affect is it totally messes up my home network which has another pc
connected via wired cable. once i disconnect my PC the home network comes
back online? any suggestions?