Internet Explorer will not launch OS is Windows 2000




I can not Open IE version 6.0 thru the icon nor in the directory where the
exe resides in c:\program Files\Internet Explorer... Nor when I click on a
hyper link within a Word or Outlook document. Or open files with a .htm

I tried to run the ie6setup.exe <480kb> service patch, but get a <!> error A
previous installation has pending work requiring a reboot You need to restart
the computer to complete that installation before running Internet Explorer
Setup. Setup will now close. And I did re-boot a number of times still no

I did how ever prior run the Windows2000-kb835732-86-ENU.exe <6,993 KB>
hoping it would resolve the problem. No luck. I how ever can browse through
the file manager explorer and have access to the Tools pull down menu and
Internet Options area. I also can browse through Outlook. So possible
someone has see this before or knows what I need to do. Thank you.....


Clancy552000 said:

I can not Open IE version 6.0 thru the icon nor in the directory where the
exe resides in c:\program Files\Internet Explorer... Nor when I click on a
hyper link within a Word or Outlook document. Or open files with a .htm

I tried to run the ie6setup.exe <480kb> service patch, but get a <!> error A
previous installation has pending work requiring a reboot You need to restart
the computer to complete that installation before running Internet Explorer
Setup. Setup will now close. And I did re-boot a number of times still no

I did how ever prior run the Windows2000-kb835732-86-ENU.exe <6,993 KB>
hoping it would resolve the problem. No luck. I how ever can browse through
the file manager explorer and have access to the Tools pull down menu and
Internet Options area. I also can browse through Outlook. So possible
someone has see this before or knows what I need to do. Thank you.....
Try doing a repair or reinstall by going to Add/Remove Programs, highlight
your IE 6, click Add/Remove and a pop-up will give you some options.


Thank you, I tried your recomendation and it start to run the configuring
componets and brings up a progress bar.... then quicly jumps to finished.
And still can't seem to launch the browser!

Robert Aldwinckle

Clancy552000 said:

I can not Open IE version 6.0 thru the icon nor in the directory where the
exe resides in c:\program Files\Internet Explorer... Nor when I click on a
hyper link within a Word or Outlook document. Or open files with a .htm

I tried to run the ie6setup.exe <480kb> service patch, but get a <!> error A
previous installation has pending work requiring a reboot You need to restart
the computer to complete that installation before running Internet Explorer
Setup. Setup will now close.

Try a search?

<TITLE>312444 - Error Message: A Previous Installation Has Pending Work Requiring a Reboot</TITLE>

(MSKB Boolean search:
Product: Internet Explorer 6
for... "pending work"
(Titles only)

And I did re-boot a number of times still no luck.

That won't help until you delete that key.

I did how ever prior run the Windows2000-kb835732-86-ENU.exe <6,993 KB>
hoping it would resolve the problem.

Why? Perhaps the right idea with the wrong update...

Start with the Security Bulletin Search...

< >

Search by Product/Technology
Product: Internet Explorer 6
Service Pack: Internet Explorer 6 SP1
Show only bulletins that contain updates that have not been replaced...

Do you have 867801 yet?

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


We were close, but still won't open. I used regedit to delete the pending
work routine. Ran successfully the ie6setup.exe 480kb. I tried to run the
install from add\remove programs. But kept jumping to finish at the indexing
portion of the install. And then says finish.

I also installed IE6Osp1-KB867801-x86-ENU.exe patch.

Also it keeps inserting the pending work with the Session Manager within
regedit. It also eliminated the path from the Internet Explorer on the
desktop... So I went into the directory\folder and tried the executable
IEXPLORER.EXE 89kb dated 8/29/2002.


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