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i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,


i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,


i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Aprativirya Radheshyam

Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Haa-netjer-neit II

Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Straks vind ik je nog een kleffe afgeslachte anusg

Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Courtney Greally

Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Ludomir Bulczynski

Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Tyndareus Pefanis

Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,


Tx2 said:
i've got more aliases than


I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,



ooooh, look, modified ..... k3wl
I can morph more aliases in 30 seconds than you can or will ever do in what
might be left of your entire, pathetic life.

so ****ing what, retard? That's one hell of an ambition you've achieved
in life then, eh, retard.

Still, no doubt you find it entertaining, so i guess it's keeping your
right hand active.
Now, a word of advice. It's not smart to get into a pissing competition when
all you have is that infected urthera just below your clitoris to piss with,

Oh this is no pissing competition, **** weed.

John Holmes

NOTE: This message was sent thru a mail2news gateway.
No effort was made to verify the identity of the sender.

Tx2 came up with this:
Hello coward

You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good



**** this guy is good - more 'cloned' headers. What an achiever.
Here you go, you can play lame by numbers. You have scored two # 5's. Well

Nice list, great game. Enjoyed. Just enough time for you to do your
'thang' on the headers again, but spell "Berlin" right, retard.

Pissing contest? **** no, this is better than exchanging boring tech
shit ever was.


Tx2 said:
I have seen some low-life, low-down, trifling, scandaless,
deceitful, vindictive and conniving women in my lifetime, but this
Kadaitacha MAN is the #1 clown of them all. And I have never seen
this woman up close and personal. This clown has the NG's she
frequents intimidated and pistol whipped with her BS

Really? I think it's quite laughable that he/she/it is so obviously
under the impression he/she/it has some sort of control.

This is Usenet, text on a screen, useful but in the main unnecessary.
A complete load of bollocks half the time actually.

But i wish he/she/it would try and spell "Berlin" correctly next
time. Or at least issue cancels properly. That makes me mad.

The whole situation really is completely humouring, particularly if
he/she/it thinks i'm concerned by a few forged headers *yawn*

I don't actually give a **** what folk think of me on Usenet, and a
few forged posts should make it all the more entertaining.

Hey, K-Man, fancy a beer some time .... ?


Here's another one.


For someone who "[doesn't] actually give a ****", that is one hell of a
rambling justification and rationalisation of delusions, hey, Judas.

Since when does someone not "actually [giving] a ****" ever state "That
makes me mad" and "This is Usenet, text on a screen ..." in the same breath?

Oh, and let's not forget the compulsions to check the headers in the same
breath as the statement "I don't actually give a **** ..."

"But i wish he/she/it would try and spell "Berlin" correctly ..."

I've hooked me yet another loony. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Shades of Jaytard, anyone?

You watch... "he/she/it" will transmogrify into "s/h/it" and I'll be sent
running from usenet howling in searing pain from the terrible scorching I'm

<picks nose>


iN @R7IkL3 <4b308Cb5d433443043006918@326c993@N3Ws.|nDi\\/iD|\\Ul.N3T>,
Tx2gneWScolL3kti0n@h0TM4!l.k0n, @.k.4 Tx2 Z@yz...


o000h, l()()C, mO|)|F13|) ..... |<3wl

s0 FUkk1ng W|-|47, r3taRD? THA7'S ()|\\|3 heLl Of 4n aMbitiOn y()U'vE
4c|-|1e\\/3|) iN Liph3 7|-|3n, 3|-|, r3T|\\R|).

STYll, N0 Doub7 y0u fin|) |T En7ert|\\IN1n6, s0 ! 6ueZ5 |t's K33pYnG YOUR
R1ght H4Nd |\\kTYve.

oh 7|-|!s !z gnO P!55|Ng k0mPeT|7Y0n, **** WE3|).




**** this guy is good - more 'cloned' headers. What an achiever.

Nice list, great game. Enjoyed. Just enough time for you to do your
'thang' on the headers again, but spell "Berlin" right, retard.

Pissing contest? **** no, this is better than exchanging boring tech
shit ever was.

Anyone notice that the phrase "Pissing contest" popped up in that reply from
a post I made earlier? Words as eggs. The cuckoo has hatched already. It's a
Jaytard, folks. No doubt about it.

Lord Archibald Gillykodge-Camblelock

Tx2 said:
how do you hump someone?

Lunch was nice;

Microwaved ears of corn under curdled human armpit hairs and turnip conserve
next to tenderised earwax balls and apple extract, served in a circulating
deep dish with a slew of canned bits of mussel and fern with squares of
krill in stinking stinking slime, a side of cheese and a gallon of penile

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