Install 98 instead of 2000??


what now?

I am currently running Windows 2000 Pro on a computer with NTFS. I want to
get rid of Windows 2000 and install Windows 98SE so my kids can use it with
their older games. Is there anyplace I would go for step-by-step on how to
do this. Thanks for your assistance.



You have to delete the partitions and format the disk, you will lose *all*
You can do this with the win2k cd, but remember to abort before the install
You will of course have to install win98 drivers for yr hardware. Ensure
these are available *before* proceeding

Pegasus \(MVP\)

what now? said:
I am currently running Windows 2000 Pro on a computer with NTFS. I want to
get rid of Windows 2000 and install Windows 98SE so my kids can use it with
their older games. Is there anyplace I would go for step-by-step on how to
do this. Thanks for your assistance.


If your hard disk has sufficient spare capacity then you might
want to set up a dual-boot environment: Keep Win2000 and
install Win98 for the kids. Post again if you need more details.

what now?

I have a 20 gig drive and I only need perhaps half of that for the games. I
have only 1 partition (C:\).


Pegasus \(MVP\)

You did not actually say that you are interested in a
multi-boot configuration. If you are then the first essential
step is to state what type of partition you have on drive
C: - FAT32 or NTFS.

what now?

I have NTFS on the drive. So I thought I would have to clear my drive
completely and then install 98SE and then 2000Pro if I was going to go with
dual boot. Otherwise, if it is easier to just install Win98SE, I would take
that route.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Here is the process for turning your machine into
a multi-booting PC:
1. Buy a partition manager, e.g. Acronis PartitionExpert.
2. Modify your hard disk like so:
Partition 1 15 MBytes (for the XOSL boot manager)
Partition 2 12 GBytes NTFS (for Win2000)
Partition 3 4 GBytes FAT32 (for Win98)
Partition 4 4 GBytes FAT32 (for shared data)
3. Install XOSL (it's free).
4. Install Win98.

There is a fair amount of work involved in doing this.
Don't do it unless you have a strong reason to retain
Win2000. Keep also in mind that Win2000 is a far
better operating system than Win98. Not many people
would willingly drop back to Win98.

what now?

Thank you very much. I wouldn't consider dropping back to Win98 on my kids
machine if it wasn't for their games. I have tried the Compatibility engage
process but that didn't seem to work. I am just trying the easiest way to
get their games working for them. This is not my machine. Mine is a XP Pro
system which I am very happy with.

Again, thanks for all your efforts.


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