Inserting SSD to new kit

Jan 18, 2007
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Hi guys, Long time no chat.
I hope you are all keeping well, and looking forward to a better New Year

I recently built my new kit (but I had to get someone else to set it up: BIOS, Windows etc). I am about to boot it up for the first time.
I was going to put the hdd from this kit, into the new one.
I have just bought a 2Tb ssd for it instead.
Firstly: Do ssd's need formatting ? If so, how ?
I'll then need to copy everything from the hdd to the new ssd. Is this a simple thing ?
Secondly: Will my current Win 10 work on a new MB/CPU ?
Thirdly: Can I update Win 10 to Win 11 as an 'update', or do I have to uninstall / reinstall ?

Is there a maximum RAM this setup can take ?

all the best to you all
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Firstly: Do ssd's need formatting ? If so, how ?

I'll then need to copy everything from the hdd to the new ssd. Is this a simple thing ?

Once you have your new drive formatted and partitioned disconnect the old drive. Then install if you really have to your new Windows os, you would be much better of with a linux os like MX,

Installing MX would probably take you a couple of hours in total. Windows will take up a whole lot longer.

Once you have the new os installed reconnect the old hard drive. Copy and paste all your personal files over to the new ssd. Then reformat/partition the old hard drive so you have a clean slate to work with. You could use that to keep your backups on.

Is there a maximum RAM this setup can take ?

Go to your motherboard makers site and check out the specifications at their support section.

Unless you have specific Windows only programs why bother going through the pain of a Windows install ? Along with installing all the programs you need one by one.
Become a penguin user and enjoy your computing. As an example, it took me all of one hour to install MX on an old slow laptop and that included all the common programs folk normally use. Oh and it cost zero.

Best of luck whatever path you choose.
