Importing Outlook Express to Vista


Carole L.

I just bought a new Dell with Vista Home Premium. I have my Outlook Express
..dbx files from my "dead" laptop on CD. I tried to import them but the
computer asks what program to open it with...apparently Windows Mail doesn't
do it. Does anyone know how can I get my saved emails onto my new computer?
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.


11/28/07:From (e-mail address removed), I am running vista/outlookexpress
2003/OE Mail/MicrosoftWorks2003 and it works that way- Although when I try to
run my vista/windows mail/ I am having trouble getting my mail to to display
in vista- dosent looklike I can run both-

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Carole L. said:
I just bought a new Dell with Vista Home Premium. I have my Outlook
.dbx files from my "dead" laptop on CD. I tried to import them but the
computer asks what program to open it with...apparently Windows Mail
do it. Does anyone know how can I get my saved emails onto my new
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.

If you used Outlook Express on the old computer, see

Note the caution about WinMail sometimes messing up the path.

Carole L.

What if the dbx files on my disc are "read only"? Can I just uncheck that box
or is that a function of how it was saved? My old computer "died" and I had
The Geek Squad retrieve my files onto disc. That is what I'm trying to
transfer to my new computer. Thanks again.

Gary VanderMolen

In the link given below, read the paragraph that starts out with "Create a
directory under the current user's Documents, such as Documents\OEMail."
So you would copy from the CD to that new folder, then fix the Read Only attribute
as per step 3 in that paragraph. Do not attempt to work directly from the CD.

Carole L.

Hello again,
I tried your advice below and created a directory in my documents. I think I
did it correctly. I unselected "read only". I got as far as #6. When I
clicked Import I got the following error message' "No messages can be found
in the folder or another application is running tht has the required files
open. Please seclect another folder or try closing applications that may have
files open." I closed everything but WindowsMail and tried again. I got the
same message. The path that came up seemed
correct...C:\Users\Carole\Documents\OEMail. What am I doing wrong?

Gary VanderMolen said:
In the link given below, read the paragraph that starts out with "Create a
directory under the current user's Documents, such as Documents\OEMail."
So you would copy from the CD to that new folder, then fix the Read Only attribute
as per step 3 in that paragraph. Do not attempt to work directly from the CD.

Gary VanderMolen

I'm going to defer your question to Frank Saunders, since he is the expert
on backup and 'import from OE' questions.

Gary VanderMolen [MS-MVP WLM]

Carole L. said:
Hello again,
I tried your advice below and created a directory in my documents. I think I
did it correctly. I unselected "read only". I got as far as #6. When I
clicked Import I got the following error message' "No messages can be found
in the folder or another application is running tht has the required files
open. Please seclect another folder or try closing applications that may have
files open." I closed everything but WindowsMail and tried again. I got the
same message. The path that came up seemed
correct...C:\Users\Carole\Documents\OEMail. What am I doing wrong?

Gary VanderMolen said:
In the link given below, read the paragraph that starts out with "Create a
directory under the current user's Documents, such as Documents\OEMail."
So you would copy from the CD to that new folder, then fix the Read Only attribute
as per step 3 in that paragraph. Do not attempt to work directly from the CD.

Gary VanderMolen [MS-MVP WLM]

Carole L. said:
What if the dbx files on my disc are "read only"? Can I just uncheck that box
or is that a function of how it was saved? My old computer "died" and I had
The Geek Squad retrieve my files onto disc. That is what I'm trying to
transfer to my new computer. Thanks again.


I just bought a new Dell with Vista Home Premium. I have my Outlook
.dbx files from my "dead" laptop on CD. I tried to import them but the
computer asks what program to open it with...apparently Windows Mail
do it. Does anyone know how can I get my saved emails onto my new
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.

If you used Outlook Express on the old computer, see

Note the caution about WinMail sometimes messing up the path.

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

In the following, did you triple check the path?

5. Then use the Browse button to browse to the directory of dbx files. Make sure that when you set the directory that what is listed in the path is correct (NOTE: Vista can put the wrong path in here sometimes, so instead of c:\mypath it puts c:\mypath\mypath, so check the path to verify that it is correct, and if it is not correct then fix it by clicking the Browse button a second time and then leave the selection blank and clicking Okay.).
6. Then select the files from which you wish to import messages and click Import.

If you did, were you careful to include Folders.dbx?


This procedure works, just folow that rules.. "dont do double click"..

For me works fine after i do likes information explaned here... ok... I´m
tired for many times try and try and try do before folow that rules... "dont
do double click".

Very useful this topic !

Thanks so much.


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