IE7 Phishing tool slow



Hi all
Why does phishing a website take so long to complete all of a sudden? It
originally showed a green icon safe site popup almost instantly.
Thanks in advance

PA Bear [MS MVP]

[Crossposted to IE General]

=> Does the behavior persist if you start IE7 in No Add-ons mode? To start
IE7 in No Add-ons mode:

1. Right-click on the blue IE desktop icon and select Start without Add-ons;

2. Start | (All) Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Internet Explorer
(No add-ons).

Troubleshooting and Internet Explorer’s (No Add-ons) Mode:

=> Does the behavior persist if you Reset IE7 Advanced settings (RIES)? <= Read before using!

=> Does the behavior persist if you boot into Safe Mode with Networking?
[Careful! Only remain in Safe Mode just long enough to test!]

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