IE window in wrong spot



I recently had a problem with my IE window being in the
wrong spot when maximized... I was looking through my
history and clicked on a link which was a small window
advertisement while I had the window maximized.... it
made it small, and now, whenever I maximize the window,
it's about a quarter inch too low....part of it goes
under the start menu bar....and there is a gap at the top
that shows my background.... can anybody help?


With only the affected window open (and the taskbar NOT set to autohide)
grab the top of the taskbar and pull it up to 2 or 3 times its normal
height. Then close the window, resize the taskbar, reopen the window.
With only that window open, right click the taskbar and choose "tile
vertically" (horizontally should also work.)
Or (a registry edit)
Q194759 - New Internet Explorer Window Opens Partially Off the Screen:

Hope this helps,

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